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[官方网站]官网三天时间收集五万条祝福 全球枪迷陪伴拉姆齐 [复制链接]

阿森纳中文网 仅仅三天时间,阿森纳官网收到的献给阿隆·拉姆齐的祝福就超过了50000条。 在阿森纳3比1战胜斯托克城的比赛中,威尔士中场的右腿胫骨和腓骨惨遭断裂,他于当晚接受了手术。尽管确切的休战期还无从而知,但阿尔塞纳·温格认为这名19岁的球员将缺席很长的时间。 阿森纳官网曾号召球迷行动起来,一起为阿隆收集祝福。我们将挑选其中的一部分装订成特制的纪念册,并在合适的时候转交给拉姆齐。 在未来的几天,我们将把一部分球迷的祝福发表到阿森纳官网上,同时也希望您继续支持拉姆齐。   祝愿你好起来,振作起来,所有枪手都支持你、祝福你。好运相伴!我坚信你回来后能变得更好更强——Nannan,密歇根州底特律 (Get better, feel better because the wishes and prayers of all Gooners are behind you. Good luck! I am sure you will come back better and stronger  Nannan, Detroit Michigan)   以上帝的名义,希望你已经康复了。所有阿森纳球迷一起说“阿门”吧。我祝愿你尽快康复,我们期待着你重返赛场——Naya, 加纳 (In the name of God you are already well and all Arsenal fans say AMEN. I wish you a speedy recovery. I'll miss you on the field  Naya, Ghana)   阿隆,祝你一切顺利,尽快彻底的恢复。愿你的未来一片光明——Joshua Humphries,西萨塞克斯郡(英国) (Wishing you all the best Aaron for a full and speedy recovery. All the best for the future.  Joshua Humphries, Crawley, West Sussex)   永远不要丢失对自己的信心,在回归的路上永远保持拼搏的斗志。我们都对你有信心,相信你回来后能比以前变得更强。瑞典球迷与你同在——Richard Lantz, 瑞典 (Never stop believing in yourself and always keep up your fighting spirit on the way back, We all believe in you and you will come back stronger than ever!.Thoughts from Sweden  Richard Lantz, Sweden)   我是布里斯托尔的一位特许理疗师。我们以前治疗过一个和你病情相似的小伙子,他是2009年9月最后一周受的伤。现在,他将可以在本月之内恢复完整训练。祝你一切顺利,昂起你的头吧。你会回来的,变得更强!——Lloyd Nicolson, 布里斯托尔 (I'm a chartered physio at Bristol City and we had a young lad with an injury almost identical to your own. His injury was in last week of September 2009. He will be back full time training within the month. All the best, keep your head up, you'll be back and stronger!  Lloyd Nicolson, Bristol)   我的信念与你同在,希望你可以尽快康复。未来,我还期待着见证你对英超群雄的中场们发号施令呢——Ryan Jones, 米尔顿凯恩斯 (All my thoughts are with you for a speedy recovery and I'm looking forward to seeing you boss the midfield battles in future Premiership games for Arsenal for many years to come.  Ryan Jones, Milton Keynes) 阿隆,尽快好起来。愿你一切顺利,再次回到球场。威尔士需要你!——Owen James, 卡迪夫 (Get well soon Aaron hope you’re up and playing soon. Wales need you!  Owen James, Cardiff)   阿隆,你的优势是年轻。这家美妙的俱乐部和主教练都在支持你。我相信,这个大家庭会照顾到你的每一个需求的。大家的想法是一样的,小伙子,尽快好起来——Susanne, 苏格兰 (You have youth on your side Aaron and a wonderful club and manager backing you and I am sure a family who will take care of your every need. There can be only one result - get well soon lad.  Susanne, St. Andrews, Scotland)   布拉德福德的球迷祝愿你的恢复进展一切顺利。你的前程如此美好,天赋如此出众,我们期待着你尽快重返赛场!——Mark,谢菲尔德  (From a Bradford fan hoping your recovery goes well. Such an exciting prospect and emerging talent. Looking forward to seeing you on the pitch again soon!  Mark, Sheffield)   亲爱的阿隆,希望你尽快好起来。你是一名未来之星,希望这只是你职业生涯里的一次小事故。希望我们的祝福能让你感觉更好,祝你好运,尽快康复——Bakry, 黎巴嫩贝鲁特 (Dear Aaron, hope you get well soon, you are a star in the making and hopefully this will be just a small bump in your career. Hope this will make you feel better. Good luck and get well soon.  Bakry, Beirut, Lebanon)   我一个朋友40岁的时候也遭遇了同样的事,但他一年之内就好了——Terry Martin, 罗姆福德 (My pal did the same as you when he was 40 and he was back within a year.  Terry Martin, Romford)   阿隆,我以前能搞到球票的时候还带5岁的儿子来酋长球场看过你比赛。他今天在电视上看了那场比赛,他哭得很厉害。我们都对你的受伤以及你的痛苦感到难过。请好好休息吧,我们都会为你的康复做祈祷的。你是一个非常勇敢的男人,我们都期待着你顺利恢复。每当看阿森纳比赛时,我们的信念都将与你还有你的家庭同在——David and Oliver Lane, 肯特郡 (Aaron, my five year old son has been to see you play at Emirates when I can get a ticket. He has cried today having seen the game on TV. We both are so sorry to see the injury and pain you were in. Please rest and we both will pray for your recovery, you are a very brave man. We both hope to see you make a good recovery and our thoughts every time we watch Arsenal will be with you and your family.  David and Oliver Lane, Kent)   阿隆,祝你好运。未来,伟大的成就和奖杯等着阿森纳。我们所有球迷都希望你能成为其中的一份子。继续努力吧,我们下赛季见!——Graham Simons, 芬斯伯里 (Good luck Aaron. Great achievements and trophies await for Arsenal in the coming years - all of us fans want you to be part of that. Work hard, dig deep and we'll see you next season.  Graham Simons, Finsbury Park)   作为一名比利时的阿森纳球迷,我衷心祝愿阿隆你恢复顺利,好运相伴!希望你很快就会好起来,你还很年轻,所以你在酋长球场的未来仍然十分耀眼。照顾好自己——Thijs, 比利时安德卫普 (Aaron, as a Belgian Arsenal fan I wish you all the best of luck in your recovery! Hope you'll get better soon. You're still very young so you still have a fantastic future ahead of you at the Emirates! Take care.  Thijs, Antwerp, Belgium)  阿隆,尽快康复。我们知道你会很快回到场上的——Clare,伦敦 (Get well soon Aaron we all know you will be out on the pitch very soon! Clare, London )   阿隆,我们为你的受伤感到难过,希望你可以尽快回来。我有话对其他球员说:把奖杯带回家,为了阿隆——David,雷丁 (So sorry for your injury Aaron. Here's hoping you're back soon. To the rest of the lads: come on bring the title home for Aaron  David, Reading)   我知道你用不了太久就能够重新拥抱足球,像爱德华多那样。预祝你身体健康,好运相伴——Raphael 波兰(I know that before not so long you will be back to football like Eduardo. I wish you good health and good luck. From a fan from little village in Poland)   此刻,我真的为你感到难过。但是你不应该背上负担,想积极点吧。你可以短时期内恢复,相信我,上天会帮助你的。祝愿你尽快恢复!——Aschalo 埃塞俄比亚 (I am really sorry for you at the moment. But you should make your mind free and think positively. Believe me you can recover in a short period with the help of God. I WISH A QUICK RECOVERY FOR YOU.Aschalo, Ethiopia)   祝愿你尽快康复。为了拉姆齐和爱德华多,让我们赢得英超冠军吧!——Matovu John Baptist,乌干达 (Wishing you a quick Recovery. Let's win the Premier League for Ramsey and Eduardo! Matovu John Baptist, Kampala, Uganda)   拉姆齐,让你的意志和信念强硬起来。保持乐观心态,你会在短时期内回归的。我们非常爱你——Alexander Chuks,尼日利亚 (Ramsey, be strong in your mind and spirit. Be positive and you'll be back in a short time. Much love to you. Alexander Chuks, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria)   阿隆,我为你的受伤感到非常悲痛,我无法想象你的痛苦——我认为你拥有难以置信的勇敢。保持坚强和乐观吧,你看这么多人都在关心你。我希望球员们能为你赢得冠军。我们爱你,衷心祝愿你——Ali Bickle,康沃尔郡 (Aaron I am so devasted about your injury, I can't imagine how you're feeling - I think you are incredibly brave. Stay strong and positive - you have so many people who care about you. I hope the lads win the title for you.  With love and best wishes  Ali Bickle, Bude, Cornwall)   我为阿隆感到难过,希望他可以尽快康复。上帝保佑,让他的恢复进展一切顺利——Theogene,卢旺达 (I really feel sorry for Aaron and wish him a quick recovery. May God help him in the rehabilitation process.Theogene, Rwanda)   尽快好起来,以爱德华多为榜样——Jenny Nye,斯劳 (Get well soon and keep Eduardo as your inspiration Jenny Nye,Slough) http://www.arsenal.com/news/news-archive/your-messages-of-support-for-aaron-ramsey
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