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昨晚比赛输了以后,发了封邮件给阿森纳。 [复制链接]

Hi, I'm writing to tell the players of Arsenal, along with the team manager and all the staff, to remain confident despite our defeat to Birmingham City yesterday. I understand it must be devastating to have entered the final without winning the trophy, especially when the opponent is some team struggle to fight for another season in the Premier League. Things like that, however, do happen and the crucial thing for the moment is to concentrate on the remaining matches of this season, to forget about what had passed. And we'll see what will happen at the end of this season. Leave the regret things to the end of the season. For years, we, arsenal, have been accused of being not tough enough, not being able to handle big matches. I believe now is the moment to show those people that we, Arsenal, can FIGHT AS A FIGHTER and THAT WE WILL. Nevertheless, as a fan in China, I want to tell you that fans from China will support Arsenal no matter what happens. In fact, over these years, Wenger has established a unique style for Arsenal, one that none of other teams can copy. It is this style that attracts me most. To tell the truth, since I become an Arsenal fan in 2002, I find myself easily falling asleep when watching other team playing, even when it's a Barcelona game. I believe, fans of Arsenal will stick to the team as long as the team doesn't change its style. I want whoever is now reading this mail to tell Koscielny and Szczesny that neither of them should feel destroyed as boss had said on the post-match press conference. It is due to their extraordinary contribution that we had maintained our hope in all of the competitions we participated before yesterday. And we, Arsenal fans, will never forget their wonderful performance. Last but not least, I have a piece of advice to offer if I may. I know Wenger has built the team in the way that it can function well without any of the players. Nevertheless, the team cannot maintain its high standard if it keeps to lose important players. I know it's not something boss can control if the player himself wants to leave. But, what triggers the fact that teams like Barcelona and Real Madrid are fond of buying our players? I believe it is because we have a reputation of selling players at a low price. Thierry Henry and Patrick Vieira are two typical examples of players of ours being under-valued. I, myself, is a mathematical student. In Game Theory, when the game is played repeatedly, the reputation the player within the game has developed during the past games, can make a huge difference on the outcome of later games. Lyon is one typical example which has developed a reputation for selling players at a high price. It explains why their goal-keeper Loris is not so involved in transfer rumors. Since we have already established a bad reputation, I believe boss should realize the mistake he has made and become tough on transfer market. Sir Alex Ferguson's approach when dealing with Cristiano Ronaldo should be learned. The above advice is only the thought of mine. Maybe boss has some reason that I cannot think of, which will make my advice quite naive. But we all hope for the best of our team, don't we? Last time when I wrote an e-mail to the team, we achieved  that amazing unbeaten season. I hope, for the sake of god, that this mail can bring as much luck as possible! KEEP FIGHTING!! IN ARSENAL, WE TRUST! Yours sincerely



不错。 不过不依赖任何球员的战略体系, 需要超强的财力支持。 里昂卖人价格高, 这就给自己建立了这样的口碑, 导致后面他卖人价格都很高。 如果阿森纳也是建立在 没有谁不能卖的基础上, 其实可以效仿里昂。

LZ可以啊...这篇文章绝对是B+到A的水平啦 你真的是数学系的吗?这篇东东很有范文的感觉啊 大家都是应试教育下的产物 我看着这些用词结构和语法真的特亲切... 不过 我觉得虽然我们卖人比较便宜 但事实证明 BOSS还是对此很在行的...除了阿什利之外 总觉得其他人都没什么吃亏

真是学数学的... 总觉得温格每次卖人都很便宜。亨利和维埃拉虽然当时已经开始有走下坡路的迹象了,但卖的时候也是响当当的巨星,竟然都只有2000多万英镑。 我相信如果温格有里昂那种没有三千万别来和我说话的霸气,巴傻也不敢老是唧唧歪歪的





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