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[经典重温 系列]之二———I SPY!!! [复制链接]




                           今晚找了很久,还是没能找到这首来自于《职业特工队2》的I SPY[em13][em12][em19]偶是用WALK MAN放带带听的 确实......[em20][em20][em20]谁找到地址的话 千万记得分享,西方会奖励你10万论坛币哦[em25]

  音乐赏析:深沉的男低音混合着黑色背景的音乐在都市的早晨疲惫地穿过街头,Pulp将自己着实不轻松的脚步混合着对世界的冷淡,从我们眼前幽灵般浮去.吉他流水似的粘合着词曲之间的缝隙.一惚神间,音乐轰鸣起来,宛若从头顶掠过的波音747.强烈的贝斯与鼓点合在一起创造出遮盖一切的光辉.音乐冻结了脑海中的所有情绪,强烈的压迫感试使每个人都感觉到歌曲中属于黑暗的那些能量,属于撒旦的那些爪痕(汗 老觉得这段扯得还不够好)[em04]我是间谍,还有比这更压抑更让人自卑更痛苦的煎熬吗?忍受着别人所不能执行的任务,承受着别人所不能感受到的苦楚.吉他以枪炮般的声音模拟出来紧张的气氛,在断弦处,音乐静了下来,似乎有些无奈,更是对命运的致歉......


I spy a boy, I spy a girl. I spy the worst place in the world, in the whole world. Oh you didn't do bad, you made it out, I'm still stuck here oh but I'll get out. Oh yeah I'll get out. Can't you see a walks among you seeing through your pretty lives. Do you think I do these things for real? I do these things just so I survive. And you know I will survive. It may look to the untrained eye I'm sitting on my arse all day and I'm biding my time until I take you all on my Lords and Ladies I will prevail, I cannot fail. Cause I spy. Oh I've got your numbers taken notes and all the ways your minds work out. I've studied and your mind's just the same as mine except that you're just clever swines, you never let masks slip, you never admit to it, you're never hurried. Oh no no no. And every night I hold my plan how I'll get my satisfaction, how I will blow your paradise away away away ooh. Cause I spy. It's just like in the old days - I used to compose my own critical notices in my head. The crowd gasps at Cocker's masterful control of the bicycle, skilfully avoiding the dog turd next to the corner shop. Imagining a blue plaque above the place I first ever felt a girl's breasts, the whole 'nana. You've got to wait for the best. You see you should take me seriously. Very seriously indeed. Cause I've been sleeping with your wife for the past sixteen weeks, smoking your cigarettes, drinking your brandy, messing up the bed you chose together. And in all that time I just wanted you to come home unexpectedly one afternoon and catch us at it in the front room. You see I spy for a living and I specialise in revenge, on taking the things I know will cause you pain. I can't help it, I was dragged up. My favourite park's a car park, grass is something you smoke, birds is something you shag. Take your year in Provence and shove it right up your arse. Your Ladbroke Grove looks turn me on, yeah. With your frightened eyes and roach burns under your eyes and addresses, and thousands of tiny dryna-slides running a path, running a path to the corner of your eyes. And every night I hatch my plan, it's not a case of woman v man. It's more a case of haves against haven'ts and I just happen to have got what you need, just exactly what you need yeah. La la la la la la la la la la, in the midnight hour. La la la la la la la la la la, I will come to you, I will come to you, I will take you from this sickness, dinner parties and champagne, I'll hold your body and make it sing again. come on - sing again, let's sing again. Oh yeah, cause I spy, yes, I spy, ssss. I spy a boy and I spy a girl. I spy the chance to change the world, to change your world.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-17 1:15:26编辑过]

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