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[小妖关注] [官方网站]梅里达欣喜正式上调一线队 西班牙新星梦想终成真 [复制链接]


梅里达欣喜正式上调一线队 西班牙新星梦想终成真        经过长久的等待进入一线队后,梅里达把自己的下一个目标定位在进入温格的首发11人名单。   2006年夏天,刚刚年满16岁的西班牙小将被阿森纳签下。他进入阿森纳一线队的道路不平坦,除了几次联赛杯出场,2008年他被租借到皇家社会。他是班菲尔德预备队的支柱,凭借稳定的进步,这名19岁的技术性中场终于在今年夏天正式升入一线队。   对梅里达来说等待的时间可能有点儿长,但他的自信从未减弱。“莱斯告诉我升入一线队的那个时刻太棒了。”周二晚上梅里达的精彩表演帮助预备队击败伯明翰。   “当然,我一直很有信心,如果我认为‘我做不到’,那就没有意义了。我一直相信我能进入一线队,现在我成为这支球星云集的球队中的一员。”   “我非常高兴,因为这是我来到球队的第四个赛季。你必须保持耐心,我一直努力工作来赢得机会,我知道一线队的球员们会帮助我,我期待一个美妙的赛季。”   梅里达最近一次为一线队出场是在季前赛中,首先是酋长杯的两场胜利,对瓦伦西亚的下半时也有出场。对年轻的西班牙人来说,这是一个“特别”的夏天。   “马德里竞技是我从小支持的俱乐部。”他说,“我非常喜欢马德里竞技,同他们比赛的感觉很奇妙!酋长杯在球迷面前踢球的感觉很好,而且能与一些大俱乐部交手。对我来说非常美妙,我没想到会被招进大名单,我十分快乐。”   “瓦伦西亚是西班牙的大俱乐部,同他们比赛也很棒。我全家都来看球,因为我的家离梅斯塔利亚只有两小时车程,那是特别的一天,是我的又一次机会。” —————————————————————————————————— [Wednesday, September 02, 2009] Merida - First-team step was a great moment After making his long-awaited step into Arsenal’s first-team squad, Fran Merida has set his sights firmly on a place in Arsène Wenger’s first XI. It has been a long road for the cultured Spaniard who first touched down at the Club in the summer of 2006 just months after his 16th birthday. In addition to occasional Carling Cup outings - and a loan spell at Real Socieded during 2008 - Merida has been a mainstay in Neil Banfield’s Reserve team since his arrival. And, after consistent progression as a highly-technical midfielder in the second-string, the 19-year-old was officially promoted to the first-team during the summer. It may have been a long time coming for Merida, but his self-confidence never wavered along the way. “When Pat Rice told me I was moving into the first-team dressing room it was a great moment,” the Spaniard told Arsenal.com after starring in the Reserves’ victory over Birmingham on Tuesday night. “Of course I was always confident, if I thought ‘I can’t do this’ then there’s no point. I always believed I could do it and now I am part of this fantastic team with great players. “I am very pleased, very happy because it has been three or four seasons. You have to stay patient, I always was and I know I am there now. “I am just going to work even harder to get my chance. I know the players will help me so I’m looking forward to a fantastic season.” Merida got his latest first-team taste during pre-season. First he featured in both Emirates Cup victories before coming on as a second-half substitute away at Valencia. For a young Spaniard, it was a “special” summer. “Atletico Madrid were my club when I was little,” he explained. “I was a big supporter and it was a strange feeling playing against them, I admit! “The Emirates Cup was nice because it is in front of the fans and always against some great clubs. For me it was fantastic, I wasn’t expecting the call-up and I really enjoyed it. “Valencia are a big team in Spain so that was fantastic. I had all of my family there watching because my house is only about two hours from the Mestalla. It was a special day and another chance for me.” http://www.arsenal.com/news/news-archive/merida-first-team-step-was-a-great-moment
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