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[天空体育]坎贝尔期待与亨利的对决 [复制链接]




by Mark Buckingham


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Campbell can't wait to stop Henry

by Mark Buckingham -  Last Updated 6 Jun 2004

Sol Campbell is relishing his duel with Arsenal team-mate Thierry Henry when England tackle holders France in their opening game at Euro 2004.


France head into the competition as favourites to retain their title, with Henry perceived as their most potent weapon. Henry finished his club season as The Premiership's top scorer and gained a title medal, alongside Gunners colleague Campbell. But the centre half will put his club friendship to one side when he is charged with the task of nullifying the explosive threat of Henry in Portugal next Sunday.


Campbell is full of praise for the glittering talent of Henry but is eager to stop his club cohort from wrecking England's Euro 2004 dream.

"I love a challenge," Campbell told the News of the World. "Bring it on. I'm ready for him but is he ready for me?

"Thierry, on his game, is phenomenal. When he's up for it, you have to play at your very best to keep up with him.

"He is the complete centre forward. He has pace, great skills, he can make goals and he scores lots of them.

"It's going to be funny coming up against him but I'll be relishing the challenge. Yes, of course, I'll respect him but I also play hard and fair and that's it. No argument."

尽管坎贝尔对亨利赞赏有嘉,但他仍要竭尽全力的阻止法国人毁掉英格兰的欧洲杯之梦。“我非常喜欢挑战,我已经准备好去面对亨利了,可是不知道他准备好了没有”。“亨利在球场上是一种现象,当他全力以赴的时候 ,你必须以你最好的状态来对抗他他是一个完全的中锋,他速度快,技术好,他能射门,而且命中率也很高和他对抗那将是非常有意思的事情,我非常的期待。当然我非常尊重他,但毫无疑问,我会全力以赴的

The imposing stopper also insists England can not be afraid of France and feels The Three Lions can upset the odds at Estadio da Luz. He continued: "Anything can happen in football. No-one is unbeatable. When they went to the 2002 World Cup in Japan they weren't unbeatable.

"So let's not forget it's a big game for them as well and who knows what will be going through their minds after they performed so poorly in the last World Cup?

"There is a buzz because we feel we have a great chance of winning this tournament."


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