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【聆聽挪威的天籟之音】-【Sissel】 [复制链接]

挪威歌手:Sissel Kyrkjebo 专辑名称:2002年专辑《All Good Things》 Sissel Kyrkjebo,挪威著名的女歌手,以其空灵清澈的音色踏入歌坛超过10年。《All Good Things》是Sissel首张唱流行曲的唱片,十一首歌曲虽然还可发现不少令人联想到Enya一类的音乐元素,但歌曲编排都渗入了具备时代感的流行曲节奏。唯一真正保留Sissel原来风格的,或许就只有用挪威语演绎的“Laer Meg A Kjenne”。 Sissel嘹亮清晰的嗓子在处理“Weightless”,“Carrier Of A Secret”等流行曲绝对胜任有余,在“Keep Falling Down”就更加是技惊四座,加上流丽流畅的旋律,尽显Sissel凌驾现今大部分Diva的功架。 “Should It Matter”歌词如下: I look at you Please don’t walk away I see you’re about to There is just something I’d really like to say So please don’t walk away I know that you’re there Still you pretend you’re not Yes I know it hurts I have also felt the pain So should it matter What I do or what I’ve done As long as in my heart You’re still the only one I hear you say it But I don’t think you understand I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can It’s been a year a memory from my past I know what I did wrong I wish to change Just to make it last But I guess it’s been too long Easy to move on To forget to about it all Is that what you do, hoping I will be gone So should it matter What I do or what I’ve done As long as in my heart You’re still the only one I hear you say it But I don’t think you understand I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can If you got to know me again Maybe then -- maybe then We could see what what we should do But that’s all up to you I’ll be waiting for you So should it matter What I do or what I’ve done As long as in my heart You’re still the only one I hear you say it But I don’t think you understand I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can I hear you say it But I don’t think you understand I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can
  Should It Matter,反反复复无间断听了一个下午,被旋律打动,却一直不知道歌词讲什么。看完了歌词后不知为何想起the color of the night。      似乎,大凡情深动人的种种,往往都会带上一点宿命的悲怆。尤在用于怀念时。

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-6 21:53:51编辑过]


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