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[音乐] Glasvegas [复制链接]

格拉斯哥这块地盘出好乐队Franz Ferdinand还有Glasvegas 主唱原来是职业球员吼吼,但在辗转了三家俱乐部后,他不得不终止了足球梦 搞了个乐队耍 苏格兰口音满可爱的 How you are my hero How your never here though Remember times when you put me on your shoulders How I wish it was forever you would hold us Right now I'm too young to know How in the future it will affect me when you go You could have had it all You, me, and mum y'know Anything was possible I wont be the lonely one Sitting on my own and sad A fifty year old Reminiscing what I had I wont be the lonely one Sitting on my own and sad Forget your dad, he's gone All I wanted was a kick-a-bout in the park For you to race me home when it was nearly getting dark How I could've been yours, and you be mine It could've been me and you until the end of time Do what you want, when you want Be as ^@^in' insincere as you can What kind of way is that to treat your wife To see your son on Saturdays What way is that to live your life? I wont be the lonely one Sitting on my own and sad A fifty year old Reminiscing what I had I wont be the lonely one Sitting on my own and sad Forget your dad, he's gone 两张图无关主题
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    最后编辑桑给巴尔 最后编辑于 2009-03-21 18:39:28
    本主题由 超级版主 37°2 于 3/19/2009 8:37:26 PM 执行 主题分类 操作
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