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[翻译] 2/10 亨利采访 [复制链接]

The thoughts of Thierry This is London 10 February 2004 As Thierry Henry seeks his 100th Premiership goal for Arsenal tonight he has given a revealing insight into his football, his weaknesses, his thoughts and his fears. 伦敦 2004年2月10日 亨利在今晚的比赛中,打进了他在英超联赛的第100球,在这篇采访中,他谈了他的足球理念、他的弱点、他的一些想法以及他所担心的事。 In an interview with L'Equipe magazine, Henry discusses comparisons of himself with Johan Cruyff and also reveals the player he most adores. 接受L'Equipe杂志采访时,对于将他与克鲁伊夫比较发表了自己的看法,并透露了他最欣赏的球员。 Comparisons with Cruyff and Van Basten 与克鲁伊夫和范巴斯腾的比较 'Well, I hope to arrive at their level. I have always been attracted to the great Dutch strikers. It's their elegance I think. They seem haughty, classy and the player I always adored was Marco van Basten, that's sure. Right now I adore Patrick Kluivert as a footballer. “我希望可以达到他们的高度。我一直很欣赏荷兰的前锋。他们踢球非常漂亮。荷兰前锋都非常灵巧,而我的偶像自然就是是范巴斯腾。现在我比较欣赏克鲁伊维特。” 'His style of playing is to say "Well, I could score but I'll turn this chance into an assist for someone else". That is a footballer in the truest sense of the word. The real footballers can play up front on their own or behind the strikers and with the same efficacy. “在他的打法中,即使是他自己可以射门的机会,他也会设法创造一次助攻。这才算是真正的球员,即能自己射门,又能为队友助攻。” 'What I like are guys who play for the team not these types who look to shine for the good of themselves.' “我比较欣赏那些为球队整体考虑的队员,而不是只追求自己得分、自己出风头的。” --------------------------------------------------------------------- Rotten heading 糟糕的头球 'If the ball gets crossed to me and it arrives without a lot of momentum it either drops stone dead or goes about a metre! “如果一个传球力量不足,结果就会落到草皮上不动,或是在一米远传不到位。” 'If there is one thing in my game I'd give anything to improve it is definitely my ability to score with headers. It was even something that pissed me off when I was a kid. “如果说有哪点是我要努力改进的,那肯定就是我的头球了。在我小时侯,这个弱项几乎令我放弃。” 'People often say to me I should be a bit more of a 'fox' about my positioning for headers by staying more static but that's not my game! I love to move, not stay planted to the spot.' “有人说,在争抢头球位置时要更灵活,点要战得稳,但这不是我的球风。我更喜欢移动,而不是固定站在某个点上。” --------------------------------------------------------------------- Critics 危机 'I know that people always used to put me down by saying: "Oh, Henry, if there is a defender who is willing to give him a bit of stick then he'll duck out of a challenge". And those same people used to say: "Thierry Henry? You'll see him for 20 minutes in a game and then he'll just disappear for the rest of the match". “我知道有些人总是会说:‘只要后卫看紧他,他就不会有什么机会。’他们还会说:‘亨利吗?你可能在比赛的20分钟内看到他,而在比赛其余时间他就像是消失了。” 'Everyone knew that I had this ability to light up a match but also that I didn't know how to take control of a game. For that reason they even used to say that I was the ideal substitute. “也有人说我有能力掌握比赛结果,但我自己却不这样认为。就因为这个原因,还有人说我适合打替补。” 'Now I know that whenever I feel that the time has come for me to make a difference in our games I can and I will. “现在,只要我能球队比赛做贡献,那我就会尽力去做。” 'I take the ball, I go wide, I cross, I shoot but when the moment beckons I am ready to make the difference. Still, no matter what I do there seem to be these people who say that I am blasé, that I am arrogant and so on. And if I feel like trying something special these same people will say that I am "provoking the other team". “如果我准备好,那我接到球,带球,穿越,然后就射门。但有些人总是会说我的习惯就是这样,我很骄傲自大等等。如果我做出其他动作,这些人又会说我是在‘挑衅对手’。” 'But the truth is that because Arsene has given me responsibility in the middle of the park rather than just on the wing I have changed. I have become aware of my capabilities.' “但事实是,温格教练给予我的任务是在中场,而不仅仅是边路转换。我了解我的能力。” ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Taking and giving stick 掌握 'What I have done is learned how to take my knocks and give a bit of stick back too. Playing in England has done me so much good because I always had a tough, street mentality from playing football as a kid. "我所做的就是打好比赛,学会把握。在英超联赛的磨练使我学到了许多,因为从小我就渴望能踢激烈的比赛。” 'But I always thought that it was only the "donkeys" who kicked you. My idea of football was always that those who can play do, and those who can't just kick. But it is not like that in England. “我一直以为只有‘驴’才会踢人。我的足球观点一直是,能踢好球才是最重要的,并不仅仅是用脚踢一个球。但在英国并不是这样的。” 'It does not matter who you are here, how big a name or how big a talent. If you do not know how to express yourself physically then you cannot express your talent. On the other hand, if you know how to give and take stick, plus you also know how to play the ball, then you are a king here.' “在这里,你有再大名气、再多天赋也没用。如果你不知道该怎样用身体表现,就算再有天赋也不行。另一方面,只有当你知道该如何把握、该怎样踢好球时,你就是这里的国王。” ------------------------------------------------------------------ Motivation 'I've been taught, all my life, by my father not to settle for what you have. His ideal was "Never be happy with what you have achieved". 'Does it piss me off? No, on the contrary, it motivates me and gives me my sense of drive. I can't rid myself of that attitude. When I get home after a match I only remember the things I messed up, not the goals or the win. 'I'll have flashes - that ball I should have passed right instead of holding on to etc, and I get pissed off with myself. Against Blackburn at home we were leading 1-0 with a great counter attack. Edu gave me a great reverse pass. I shot and I didn't see Robert Pires better placed than me. 'If I'd lifted my head and seen the pass, it would have been a goal and the match would have been won. Instead, afterwards, we were forced to work like dogs to defend our lead and I was really, really annoyed with myself.' Mean streak 'I have worked hard at fine-tuning a mean streak which I have always possessed. I have always had that toughness inside me based on huge self confidence. It is a mentality you either have or don't. 'For example, I try twice as hard on my one on ones in training. During training I never say I know I can go past this or that guy simply because I have been doing it for the last two years. No, I apply myself to working on his shoulder, taking him for a run, I work him and then I pass him.' ------------------------------------------------------------------ Goal Celebrations 庆祝进球 'Most of the time, or at least eight times out of ten, I do not celebrate a goal at all. I stay calm and above all I think about thanking the guy who has just given me a goalscoring pass. “多数情况下,或者说是基本上我是不会有什么进球庆祝。我仍会保持平静,首先想到的是感谢为我传球的队友。” 'I don't like the kind of strikers who make a huge fuss simply because they have put the ball in the net. I find that a little bit indecent. “有些前锋进了个球就欢喜雀跃,我不太欣赏这种方式。那样的表现有点过。” 'But I have to say that if the game has changed so much that you can't have a bit of fun with the crowd, your team mates and even the opposition, then that is really a bit sad.' “不过哦,如果你没有丝毫喜悦与球迷、队友甚至是对手分享,那就实在是太糟了。”

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-20 17:23:41编辑过]


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