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阿森纳官方网新闻翻译[2004年4月] [复制链接]

Injured trio could be back early for Chelsea 受伤的三名队员在对切尔西比赛时都可上场 Ashley Cole, Freddie Ljungberg and Jose Antonio Reyes have all been named in the squad for Tuesday night's Champions League Quarter-Final second leg at Highbury. 科尔、永贝里和雷耶斯都进入了周二在海布里与切尔西的冠军杯1/4决赛第二回合比赛名单。 The first of those names was expected to miss out after hurting his knee in the opening leg two weeks ago. While the latter two suffered hand and knee injuries respectively in Saturday's FA Cup Semi-Final defeat to Manchester United at Villa Park. 科尔是在两周前第一回合比赛中膝部受伤的,曾一度担心无法上场。永贝里与雷耶斯在周六足总杯与曼联的比赛中分别是手部与膝部受伤。 But all three will be a part of the 19-man squad Arsène Wenger has named for this crucial tie. However, speaking to Monday afternoon's pre-match press conference, the manager stated he will have to assess their fitness on the day of the game before making up his mind. 关键的第二回合比赛,这三名队员都将进入19人大名单。但是,在周一下午的赛前新闻发布会上,主教练温格表示,将在比赛当天对三人进行身体检查以确定是否可以出赛。 "They tried to practice today but the session was very light and we don't know yet how they will respond pain-wise," said the manager. “他们今天参加了训练,但由于今天的训练量很小,所以仍不能确定他们的伤是否完全没有问题了。” "But they are all in the squad. I have taken 19 players and we will make a decision tomorrow morning. “他们都将随队且进入了19人名单,明天上午我会做出最后的决定。” "It is encouraging because the doctor told me after the game that Reyes had strained knee ligaments. It was the tackle on his knee from Scholes that provoked the pain. He has got a swollen ankle because he has torn that too. I will just have to see how he reacts to training today." “赛后队医告诉我说,雷耶斯的膝部韧带拉伤,不过现在的情况还不错。斯克尔斯的铲球使他膝部受伤,他的脚镙也肿了。我还要观察下他在今天训练中的表现。” Ljungberg's injury does not affect his movement as much and there seems some possibility of patching him up. 永贝里的伤势并不影响他走动,正在恢复中。 "Freddie has broken two bones in his hand," said Wenger. "We have to see how it evolves and if he needs surgery or not. “永贝里两根手指骨折,我们会根据他的伤情来决定是否手术。” "He can play but we'll see how he responds to two days training," said the manager. "He can play with an anesthetic in his hand because it does not stop him from moving. He looked OK today in training but we'll see how he is tomorrow." “他可以踢比赛,但要看看两天的训练情况。因为手部受伤并不影响跑动,他可以打上麻药后上场。[晕~~~感觉很残忍啊!!]    今天训练中他的表现很好,在看看明天的训练吧。” It looks like Tuesday is decision-day in every sense. 看来周二注定是关键性的一天了。 [05 April 2004]

(这张亨利怎么那么可爱啊~~~~~) Henry: 'We will pick ourselves up' 亨利:振作 Thierry Henry believes his side will shake off the disappointment of Saturday's FA Cup Semi-Final defeat before they tackle Chelsea in the Champions League Quarter-Final second leg on Tuesday. 亨利相信在周二与切尔西的冠军杯1/4决赛第二回合时,阿森纳会忘掉足总杯半决赛的失利。 The Villa Park tie was the first of four games in eight days for Ars鑞e Wenger's side so, as a precaution, the top-scorer was left on the bench until the 57th minute. However the chances are that Henry will be raring to go straight from the start on Tuesday and the 26-year-old believes his team-mates will be exactly the same. 维拉公园球场的那场比赛是阿森纳8天4赛的第一战!亨利直到第57分钟才被换上场。而现在,亨利和他的队友们都期待在周二比赛中首发出场。 "You have to pick yourself up," he said. "It is not the end of the world, we have lot of things to look forward to. “我们要振作起来。又不是世界末日,我们还有许多比赛要踢。” "Even if it was not a massive match, even if it was just a league game, then we'd still be fighting because we are trying to win the Premiership this season." “我们要赢得联赛冠军,即便不是关键性比赛,即便只是一场联赛,我们也要拼搏。” Saturday's defeat did end any chance of a Champions League, Premiership and FA Cup treble. But, according to Henry, that was never in the players' minds. 周六比赛失利打破了阿森纳三冠王之梦。但亨利表示,队员们不会有什么想法。 "I don't think you heard an Arsenal player talk about the treble," he said. "The press might have been but we were not. We always said we were playing game by game. “阿森纳的队员从没有想过三冠王。媒体可能会提到过,但我们自己并没有。我们一直是一场一场比赛踢好。” "We are out of the FA Cup so now we are just trying to put ourselves back into the world of winning against Chelsea." “我们在足总杯被淘汰了,所以现在我们要一心对付切尔西了。” [05 April 2004]
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阿森纳官方网新闻翻译[2004年4月](4/6/2004 1:29:00 PM 上传)


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以下是引用faye_rex在2004-4-13 8:44:00的发言: 官网怎么了,难道被黑了?!两天进不去了
这几天的确是打不开,不过刚才去看好象又恢复了。 所以我们的新闻翻译也只有停了几天。


Apology for the recent downtime on Arsenal.com We would like to apologise for the unavailability of Arsenal.com recently. This was due to a hardware failure which meant the site, though still functioning, was inaccessible to the majority of users. Our technical team worked over Easter Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday to rectify the problem. However it took a considerable amount of time and difficulty to diagnose. We had to call on highly-specialist help to find a solution. We would like to thank you for your patience during this period and we apologise once again for the loss of service during the game with Newcastle on Easter Sunday. Happily, the problem is now being resolved and the site will return to full functionality once more. As part of this process, we will undergo an outage from 9.15pm UK time on Tuesday evening. Once that is completed, we will endeavour to get the website up as soon as possible. [13 April 2004]

Vieira quietly content with points haul Patrick Vieira was satisfied with the four points Arsenal picked up against Liverpool and Newcastle over Easter. After defeats to Manchester United and Chelsea, there were suggestions by some that Ars鑞e Wenger's side would take that faltering form into the Easter games. Not so. They picked up a 4-2 win at home to Liverpool then on Easter Sunday a 0-0 draw at Newcastle. It was a fine end to a mini-marathon of four games in just nine days. "We knew from the start it would be a difficult week," he said. "We did not start it very well but we gave a good response against Liverpool and Newcastle. “我们知道将迎来一周的魔鬼赛程。尽管开始表现不是最好,但在对利物浦以及纽卡斯尔的比赛中我们的确表现出色。” "We knew they would be hard because they fight for fourth place in the championship. But, in the two games, we took four points and that is fantastic. It is really good for us. “这两支队伍为争夺第四争取冠军杯名额而战,所以与他们的比赛并不好打。能在这两场比赛拿到四分已经非常不错了。对我们非常有利。” "We did not play that well at Newcastle. The pitch was quite difficult but we worked really hard for each other. In the end we are quite happy because now only the championship remains and we will fight hard until the end to keep it. It was an important result to us." “在与纽卡斯尔的比赛中我们表现并不完美。对最终结果我们表示满意,现在我们只剩下联赛冠军了,我们必须拼到最后力保英超冠军。这是我们期待的结果。” It also sent them seven points clear of nearest rivals Chelsea on Sunday night having played the same number of games. The Stamford Bridge side failed to make up any points after losing to Aston Villa a day later. They have just five games to bridge the gap. "We are getting there," said Vieira. "We know it is not over. We don't want to take anything for granted. “冠军争夺仍在继续,我们不能太想当然。” "We know the game of football can change really quickly. We know how fragile it is to stay motivated in every single game. “足球场上变化莫常,必须每场比赛都全力以赴。” "It was difficult. After the FA Cup and the Champions League matches, we needed to get focused because we were playing well and perhaps we need to find momentum in the games again. "We know how good we are and we can play fantastic football. But we want to win trophies. When you work hard for seven or eight months like we have we deserve to win something. This is the only trophy left and we are going to fight hard to keep it. "After these games we have been getting used to playing every few days. But now we are having a day or two days rest. "We will need to get focused again because the next game is Leeds on Friday. We know how important home games will be now." [13 April 2004]
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