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Injury News Wenger's press conference The boss on injuries and more  Wenger's exclusive interview Boss talks to Arsenal TV Online   Please note The injury news on Arsenal.com is updated only from Arsène Wenger's press conferences and his interviews with Arsenal TV Online. Subsequently this page will not be updated again until pre-season. For clarification purposes, this is dated. Aaron Ramsey May 10 Aaron suffered a broken leg against Stoke City in February but has made good progress in his recovery and could return to action in the autumn. "Aaron will make a full recovery," confirmed physio Colin Lewin in April. "Other footballers have suffered a similar injury. The surgery went very well and the early signs are very good. We don't expect Aaron to return until the early autumn. He has some metalwork in there and that provides the stability for the fracture. The specialists have encouraged him to walk and this weight-bearing will aid the fracture healing. It’s early days but the signs are very good."
本主题由 版主 罗宾范佩尔西 于 5/14/2010 9:07:15 AM 执行 主题分类 操作

还在养伤中,不过官网以后的伤病消息要通过Arsenal TV Online对教授的采访来透露,不会及时更新了
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