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阿森纳官方网新闻翻译[2004年4月] [复制链接]


Wenger: 'We've a big weekend ahead' 温格:‘这个周末很重要’ Having gone out of two major competitions in four days, Arsnee Wenger is steeling himself for the challenge in Arsenal's last remaining avenue for silverware - the Premiership. 在四天时间里接连在两项重要赛事失利后,温格正坚定信心,面对阿森纳在最后一个奖杯--英超冠军争夺中的挑战。 There will be little time to lick the wounds from Tuesday night's Champions League exit. Arsenal entertain Liverpool on Good Friday and then take the long trip North to Newcastle two days later. 阿森纳没有时间去沉湎在周二冠军联赛的失利的悲痛之中,在耶稣受难日阿森纳将主场迎战利物浦,紧接着两天后远征北部挑战纽卡斯尔。 They still have an advantage of four points and one game on second-place Chelsea. But, as this week has shown, matters can change quickly in football. The manager knows he must find a fast-working tonic for his side. "It is far from done in the Premiership," he said. "We have a big weekend in front of us now and dealing well with Liverpool on Friday will be vital. 目前阿森纳领先第二名切尔西4分且少赛一场,但是本周的比赛以及揭示了足球场上形势是瞬息万变的。温格知道他必须为他的球队找到速效的强心剂,‘英超的比赛还远远没有结束,’他说,‘本周末对我们很重要,踢好周五对利物浦的比赛至关重要。’ "Of course it will be difficult to lift the players but they are mentally strong. It will be big test of our character and mental strength. ‘当然让队员振作精神不是件容易的事情,但是队员都有坚强的意志,这是对球队毅力和精神力量的重大考验。’ "The important thing is to show we are not just about winning when things go well but showing we have the quality and togetherness when things don't go well." ‘重要的是我们不仅仅是顺利的情况下赢得比赛,而且能在逆境中显示出我们的水平和团结。’ And don't tell the Arsenal manager his side can "only" win the Premiership now. That, he argues, would still be a huge achievement in the season. 不要和温格说阿森纳仅仅能赢得英超奖杯,他认为这本身仍然是本赛季了不起的成就。 "If you'd say we'd just win the Premiership [every season], I would sign for that for the next 20 years. ‘如果你保证我们每年都只是赢得英超冠军,我会毫不犹豫地签约20年。’ "To win the Premiership is something fantastic but, with eight games to go it is far from being done. ‘赢得英超冠军是了不起的事情,但是我们还有8场比赛要打,赛季远没有结束。’ "And the most difficult part is still in front of us." ‘最艰难的任务还摆在我们面前。’ [07 April 2004]
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