Arsenal have signed Spanish winger Jose Antonio Reyes from Sevilla, according to the player. The 20-year-old revealed on his personal website that he has agreed to join the Premiership leaders. 'I'm the happiest man and the saddest man in the world at the same time,' he said. 'I'm leaving the best team in Spain to join the best team in England.' The deal is believed to be 30m euros and the youngster may make his debut this weekend against Manchester City.
阿仙奴簽入利耶斯 27 January, 2004 22:59 +0800
利耶斯視為西班牙最有前途新人 (Getty Images)
該名20 歲的中場在其個人網站表示已簽約兵工廠。
他的加盟,將可負起陣中主力亨利部分的入球責任,亦意味著伯金,韋托特,簡奴等前鋒若未能與球會達成續約的話亦將會不獲留用。據報他的轉會費將達二千萬英鎊,而他的合約將會到2010 年。
他能擔任左路側擊或前鋒的位置。他現時為西班牙國腳,84 次在西班牙聯賽中上陣,攻入20 球。
在曼聯在轉會巿場有動作後,阿仙奴亦不示弱。曼聯之前簽入富咸前鋒沙夏(Louis Saha)。
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-1-27 23:28:34编辑过]