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henry stay!!! 将签下四年合同 [复制链接]



Henry - Champions League loss helped make up my mind

By Richard Clarke

Thierry Henry’s decision to stay at Arsenal was made in the wake of the Champions League defeat.

This afternoon the French striker finally ended a season of speculation by putting pen to paper on a four-year deal. And, amid a myriad of factors, the brave yet agonising defeat at the Stade de France had a major influence.

"The game reassured me of one thing I wanted to know - how far I can go with that team,” said Henry. “I know we lost but they showed me they are a team with heart and lots of quality. We can be so proud of what we did.

"I said my decision would come before the World Cup.  But I also said I wanted to concentrate on pegging Tottenham back for fourth spot and then the Champions League Final.

“After that was done I was very quick to make up my mind. As a guy that is how I am.

“There were other things that made me stay — my family, London, the fans here and away from home, the press, everyone. All those little things help to make my mind up.

"I always refer to Arsenal as my home. I have been welcomed with open arms, the love I receive here - sometimes from non-Arsenal fans - is something I can't forget about." 


calm down

please do not post the same news again and again

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