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好消息:PIPPO恢复训练即将复出~~~ [复制链接]

[米兰官方网] abbiati and inzaghi come off injury list 29 january 2004 15:18 milanello - christian abbiati and pippo inzaghi are off the injury list and can be now be called up by coach carlo ancelotti for the next match. massimo ambrosini and kaladze are continuing to follow their recovery programme. after milan-siena, cristian brocchi and alessandro costacurta will need at least four days break to recover from light injuries. [天空体育] inzaghi back in training thursday, 29 january 2004 milan striker filippo inzaghi has handed the club a boost by returning to training after a lengthy lay-off. inzaghi has been sidelined for over a month through injury, but the former juventus ace is now ready to resume full training. the italian international will not rush his return, but is looking forward to get back playing again soon. "i feel good. the calf is quite good but i'll be back when i'll be at the top of my condition," said inzaghi. "this time, i won't have to hurry to return as happened previously. i want to return playing when i'll be completely fit and without risks." inzaghi is targeting the coppa italia semi-final with lazio next month as his possible comeback. (这个新闻差不多翻译了天空的内容了) 因扎吉即将复出助米兰冲击冠军 新年以来五连胜、顺利超越罗马登上积分榜首位、主帅安切洛蒂被评为上年度最佳教练--ac米兰最近可谓好事连连。昨天,红黑军团又听到了一个好消息,久疏战阵的前锋因扎吉已经伤愈,并开始参加队内训练。   昨天,这名前锋对媒体说:“我感觉良好,小腿已经没有任何问题,不过我想恢复到最佳状态以后再正式复出。这次我不会再向上次那样急于上场比赛,我将在身体条件允许的情况下回到赛场,我不会去冒险。”显然,在经历了本赛季的连续伤病休息以后,年逾30的大因扎吉已经不愿再轻率复出,毕竟今年夏天的欧锦赛是他还能参加的为数不多的大赛之一,皮波肯定不会在这个时候再拿自己的国脚生涯开玩笑。   不过大因扎吉不急于上场比赛和红黑军团最近的良好状态是分不开的。舍甫琴科已经一人挑起了进攻的大梁,新秀卡卡更是成为了米兰的第二得分点,让人眼前一亮,再加上丹麦前锋托马森每每能在关键时刻进球,ac米兰完全不需要让皮波提前出场救急。   有消息说,大因扎吉可能将在意大利杯和拉齐奥的半决赛中登场亮相。相信他的归来将使屡战屡胜的红黑军团如虎添翼,一个状态良好的因扎吉也将给米兰的夺冠加上一颗重重的砝码。 [em09][em09][em09][em09][em09][em09][em09][em09][em11][em11][em11][em17][em17][em17][em17][em21][em21][em09][em09]


以下是引用H14在2004-1-31 11:44:49的发言: 期待今年夏天的欧锦赛,这届有好多人都是最后一次参加国际性大赛了。
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