Nick your coming towards the end of your debut season with the first team squad how do you look back on it ?
I look back on it not the best way obviously we played some good football and we have progressed which is a positive thing but we wanted to win trophies this season and its not looking like thats going to happen on 1 way it looks good because we have proggressed as a team and on the other hand a bit dissapointed that we havent won a trophy, we got to go for the silverware now, you know you can play good as anything and everyone can praise you but at the end of the day its all about medals isn’t it thats all that we want to win and sometimes it doesnt matter how good you play but it is always good that you keep progressing.
We’ll come to team matters in a minute lets start with you, where do you think you have improved as a player?
i think overall everything i have done is progressed, my defending and my tactical awarness alot of things has improved for me.
You made 14 starts in all competitions and 22 sub appearances, and scored 7 goals u happy with that?
it sounds alright yh, obviously you wanna score a few more, but as long as u can help the team thats all that matters but so far i think its been ok, i have scored in every competition for Arsenal which i am quite happy with, so i’m pleased.
Perhaps Arsene Wenger has been using you as a impact player surely the aim next season is to start more ?
Yeah, Yeah definately its always my target to be a regular in every squad i’m in, if im not then its not gunna change so hopefully next season i can show him even more and prove to him he can use me more as a regular.
7 goals as we say and it must be annoying despite all that people still talk about the one you stopped going in the champions league against liverpool, talk us through that and the reaction to that thats been incredible hasnt it?
Yeah, alot of people have spoke about it but you know what i don’t really care to be honest its not in any of my worries i tried to get out of the way and it happened so quickly and in football it happens u know you can stop one goal but on the other hand we could have scored a few more in that game so there is always something else you could have done but its a matter of fact what happened, happened and people have got to move on but if they wanna write about it then they can do that for me it is ok.
Alot of your key goals have been in the air thats not really a suprise i suppose but do you want more of a balance between goals on the floor and goals in the air?
Yeah definately, i think alot of people see me in the wrong way here, i dont know why maybe it is because i havent played that much and everytime i come on we tend to get balls in the box, so maybe thats why they dont see enough of me, but if you look at the way we play with the international team we dont even play the balls in the air so im definately sure that people are gunna see more of me net year and know what it’s all about.
Your goal record for Denmark is great its virtually 1 goal every 2 games its fantastic and if you are playing football on the floor this shows you can do it here
Yeah exactly, Dribbling, Shooting stuff like this you dont see that, that much because obviously you havent played full games you dont have that regular thing going, so when i come on late on as i said they try and find me with high, long balls but its ok however way i’ll play but i just know i can do more.
How tough was Old Trafford last weekend the team lost they appeared to be unlucky and won of the examples of that is when you hit the post in the last few minutes?
Yeah it was really unlucky game you know we hit the post, they could have scored an own goal, but they had their chances you know, i thought Jens had a fantastic game for us he saved a few shots for us, and it seemed it could go either way, but then they got a penalty and a free kick and they ran away with it in the end and we felt really unlucky because we gave everything.
How important isit for Arsenal to respond in the right way for these last four games in the season?
Yeah it is very important we want to win the last four games and show everyone we are strong for next year.