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米兰是一个比阿森纳更大的俱乐部 [复制链接]

翻译:罗宾范佩尔西(ACN翻译小组) 转载请注明译者和出处:http://www.arsenalcn.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 红黑军团举世闻名。圣西罗有82955个座位,而卡卡则是当人不让的世界最佳。此外,AC米兰是世界上奖杯最多的球队之一,17座联赛冠军奖杯,7座欧冠奖杯,还有世界冠军头衔。 既然这样,你们又为什么要对弗拉米尼离开阿森纳加盟AC米兰而惊讶? 虽然阿塞纳温格为阿森纳赢得了许多荣誉,并且毫无疑问地将阿森纳定格在了欧洲精英球队之中,但我们还不能自大到与想米兰,皇马,巴萨,曼联这样的球队站在同一高度。 一个有着意大利血统的法国男孩,在地中海岸长大,很自然地,当他长大之后他会更希望为米兰效力而不是枪手。在加之这么一个事实:他在别人那里赚的钱比我们这里多的多。综上所述,也不难理解弗拉米尼的决定了。 和钱有关,但也和安全感有关。弗拉米尼不会忘记,就在一年前,阿森纳很高兴看到他能够愿意去伯明翰。在短短12个月的时间了,他的声誉却火箭般地上升,并且已被看做欧洲最佳中场之一。在深刻地认识到了足球界的变幻无常之后,弗拉米尼趁自己脚头火热,利用了这次转会机会来实现自己梦想的生活方式。你们这里谁有敢说自己不会是这种人呢? 马修的好友,赫莱布,也多次和队友说他打算在今夏跟随弗拉米尼去米兰城加盟国际米兰。在新的球员合同规定里,他能够买断自己的合同,这将让我们无能为力阻止他离开。 让我的一个懂得这个规则的朋友来解释下究竟这规则如何运转: “他向阿森纳正式警告自己要离开的事实,然后他同想要转会的俱乐部紧密联合,该俱乐部就很有可能向阿森纳出价买断合同。所以,一旦赫莱布向阿森纳正式提出离开的警告。国际米兰就可以合法地对赫莱布说‘我们会为你付账的’,然后在付给阿森纳一张小额支票。” 正如我们所知道的那样,这绝对是转会体系的丧钟,它逼迫了俱乐部提供给球员更长的合同以提防这么一脚。一个例证就是萨尼亚在加盟仅仅12个月之后就又被提供了一份公认的‘更合适的’新合同,这无非是以延长期限为目的的。 突然我又有了一个惊人的发现,本赛季里所谓的‘甜蜜男孩’组合-罗西基,赛思克,赫莱布,弗拉米尼-,他们原本应该是我们中场的首发选择,而现在却面临着有一半将要离开的尴尬。 别急,看一下本赛季所有比赛的首发名单,这所谓的可怕四人组竟然只有3场比赛是同时出场的,实在是令人震惊的统计数据啊。如果要选一个时机来重塑中场组合的话,那就是现在了。 当且仅当赫莱布和弗拉米尼没有被很合适地替代时,失去他们两人才是一个巨大的冲击。但如果弗拉米尼被一个技术更出色的人替代,赫莱布被一个擅长冷射的人替代,那么我们将更上一层楼。 这些全取决于阿塞纳。对于教授来说,这绝对是充满机遇的夏季转会市场,好像我们年年都这么说... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 阿森纳亚洲官方球迷会独家稿件声明:该作品(文字、图片、图表及音视频)特供ACN使用,未经授权许可,任何媒体和个人不得全部或部分转载。 原文: The iconic red and black stripes are known throughout the world. The San Siro holds 82,955, and in Kaka they have arguably the world’s greatest player. Above and beyond all that, AC Milan are one of the most winningest clubs in the world, with 17 Serie A titles, 7 European Cups, and a World Club Cup to boot. So why are people surprised that Mathieu Flamini has left us to join them? Whilst Arsene Wenger has worked wonders in transforming the reputation of Arsenal, and has undoubtedly cemented it’s position amongst Europe’s elite, we cannot claim to sit atop the same pedestal as the likes of Milan, Real Madrid, Barcelona, and (much as I hate to say it) Manchester United. A French kid of Italian parentage, growing up on the Mediterranean coast, was always more likely to dream of growing up to represent the Rossonieri than the Gunners. Throw in the fact that he’ll be earning several times what he currently does at Arsenal, and Flamini’s decision is easy to understand. It’s about money, and it’s about security. Flamini probably hasn’t forgotten that just a year ago Arsenal would’ve been happy to see him sign for Birmingham. In the space of twelve months, his reputation has shot up to see him recognised as one of the best midfielders in Europe. Acutely aware of the fickle nature of football, Flamini has capitalised on this to secure his dream lifestyle whilst the iron is piping hot. Who can honestly say they wouldn’t have done the same? Mathieu Flamini’s close pal, Alex Hleb, has reportedly told team-mates he intends to follow Flamini to Milan by joing Inter in the Summer. Under new regulations, he is able to buy out his contract, rendering us essentially powerless to stop him. Allow a friend to who actually understands the rules to explain how it works: “He serves notice on Arsenal of his intention to leave. He (and any club he then signs for) are held jointly and severally liable to pay Arsenal for buying out his contract. So once Hleb has served notice on Arsenal of his intention to quit, Inter can quite legitimately say to Hleb “We’ll pick up the tab on this one old chap”, and write Arsenal the (very small) cheque.” It really is the death knell for the transfer system as we know it, and is forcing clubs to offer players contract extensions with worrying regularity - witness Bacary Sagna being offered an admittedly deserved new deal within twelve months of joining the club. Amazing to think that after a season in which the self-professed ‘Spice Boys’ - Rosicky, Fabregas, Hleb and Flamini - emerged as our first choice midfield, half of them could be off before next season has begun. Then again, a glance at our fixture list reveals that the awesome foursome only started three games together this term - a shocking record.  If there was ever a time to reshape our midfield, perhaps this is it (though Calderon can back right off). Losing Hleb and Flamini would only be a tremendous blow if they were not suitably replaced.  If Flamini is replaced with someone with more craft, and Hleb with a player who is capable of the occasional shot, then we might even (God forbid) improve. It’s all down to Arsene.  Big Summer for Le Boss.  We seem to say that every year…
本主题由 实习版主 4ever_gunners 于 5/8/2008 5:38:46 PM 执行 移动主题 操作

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