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Wenger - We have to live with transfer noisehttp://www.arsenal.com/news/news-archive/wenger-we-have-to-live-with-transfer-noise This summer, there have been a consistent stream of stories surrounding the sale ofCesc Fabregas to Barcelona. When they first arose, Arsenal put out a strongly-worded statement that spelt out their position - the midfielder was simply not for sale. It did little to stem the tide but, speaking after the 4-0 win at Neusiedl on Tuesday, Wenger once again brushed away any concerns. "It is only noise," he said. "In our job we have to deal with what we can master. What we cannot influence is not to worry about. "We have learned about that and I believe that in a big club you have to live with those kind of noises without being disturbed. "I am very happy with Cesc and we are all very happy at the Club with Cesc. He is a very important player for us, he is our captain and we have worked very hard [for him] to be the future of our team and that is why we are always adamant about [not] letting him go." 官网消息,比那些加泰罗尼亚的可靠多了,不翻译了,就是一个精神:都是谣言,小法不卖

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