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[枪迷视点] 特劳雷还是里贝里? [复制链接]

翻译:罗宾范佩尔西(ACN翻译小组) 转载请注明译者和出处:http://www.arsenalcn.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 如果你有70M英镑转会费,那会非常直接地做出买人的选择,但当你只有据说的25M,而且还有可能在某些位置有着为即将离开的人替换人选的需要,那么这些钱够不够用就不得而知了。不管怎么说,当特劳雷在昨天登场,他看上去好像很适合左中场的说,事实也是他的那个助攻正给人这种感觉。在一个理想的世界里,我想,所有的枪迷都希望寻找一个专长于某个位置的球员,而不是将某个球员放在他似乎不该属于的位置。然后事实却是,一些“越位”球员同样已经证明了自己能做得好,那么谁又敢说特劳雷不是其中之一呢?至少有了他,我们可以让迪亚比在中场发挥更大的威力。 目前最无止境的讨论应该就是:我们究竟要买谁?但是,我却有着非常令人鄙视的想法,那就是我感觉教授可能再一次地想着怎么从队内挖一些潜而不是去买人。比如,在我印象里德尼尔森似乎壮了一圈还是怎么的?他过去看起来比任何人小一圈(除小老虎外),但现在却不这样了,所以我猜测我们在未来可以看到这帮小球员有着更多的杀气,这也是我怀疑究竟会有多少新球员加入的原因。 我们仍然需要一些人来梳理我们的后方,不管是场内还是场外。快回来吧,大托尼,球队后防的小伙子需要你的调教! 每个人都料到弗拉米尼会走,每个人也认为着这将是一个巨大的损失。可能是这样的,但好像过去也是这么讨论亨利的离开的。而我们所看到的是如果一个球员的离开,那就伴随着其他球员的爆发。是的,弗拉米尼是好球员,毫无疑问他的存在帮助小法能有本赛季这样出色的发挥。但请不要忘记他在上赛季结束时所处的尴尬情况,谁敢说队里同样处以那种情况的球员不是在等待弗拉米尼本赛季所获得的机会呢? 有一个值得忧虑的事就是赛思克正变得越来越自我膨胀,正如大家看到的那样,其他球员总是试图围绕他来踢而不是发挥自己能力,所以很有可能他将成为亨利第二。这不是赛思克的错,他是一个杰出的天才,有着敬业的态度,但我却认为德尼尔森昨天表现的更好,是否因为赛思克和杰尔博托的不在而让小家伙发挥了潜力?我也不敢确定。 该表扬就要表扬,虽然本特纳还没征服我,但他的进球及一系列的传接球,特别是他在点球点前发现老G的那一幕,正说明他的踢球时脑袋转得更快了。同样,我还注意到了他的场均进球数也很客观。当一个球员能证明你对他的看法是错误的,那将很好。当小本进球后,我还看到了所有球员一起拥簇的温馨场面,就好像每个人都是朋友那样。 最不能忘怀的应该是莱曼。可以肯定的是他已经成为了阿森纳的传奇,尽管有些理由可能不太正确。如果他的最低分是欧冠决赛,那他的最高分应该是他在不败赛季里作为守门员的表现,或者是the Teletubbies act with Dogbreath(翻不来...),关键看你怎么看。但不管怎们样我都很喜欢他,他给了我呼吸到新鲜空气的感觉,让我们别忘记他站在球门前的日子吧。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 阿森纳亚洲官方球迷会独家稿件声明:该作品(文字、图片、图表及音视频)特供ACN使用,未经授权许可,任何媒体和个人不得全部或部分转载。 原文: Traore or Ribery? If you've got a transfer pot of £70 million then it's maybe a fairly straight forward choice, but when it's (allegedly) only £25 million and there's probably other more pressing replacements required, maybe it's not so clear. Anyways, when Traore came on yesterday he looked like left midfield was his position and the fact he made the goal just added to that impression. In an ideal world I think most Gooners would be looking for ready-made players rather than yet another player seemingly played out of position. Truth is though, some of these out of position players have turned out really quite well so who's to say Traore isn't one of them. At least we wouldn't have to play Diaby there any more. There's endless discussion about what and who we need, but I have the sneaking feeling that Le Prof may once again be thinking of what he can do with what he has rather than buying in. For instance, is it just my impression or has Denilson bulked out somewhat? He used to look tiny compared with just about everyone except Theo, but he doesn't now. Actually a lot of the 'boys' seem to have done the same, so I'm guessing we could expect more combativeness from them in the future, which is why I wonder just how many players will come in. We still need someone to sort out the defence though, either on or off the pitch, but preferably both. The number of free headers we allow is just frightening for a club whose recent history is built on a they shall not pass mentality. Come back Big Tony soon as. Everyone expects the Flamster to go, and everyone thinks he will be a big miss. Well maybe, but that's what they said about Thierry. What we have seen is that if a big player leaves, it allows other players to thrive. So yes Flamini has been a big player for us and has undoubtedly helped Cesc be the player he has been this season. But let's not forget what his situation was at the end of last season, who's to say that there isn't another player in the same situation just waiting his chance? One thing that could become a concern is how much Cesc gets hyped and whether that could create a situation similar to Henry in that other players always want to find him rather than play their own game. Not Cesc's fault, he is an outstanding talent with a great attitude, but I thought Denilson played better yesterday, whether that was because Cesc wasn't there or Gilberto was, wasn't clear. Praise where it's due, I haven't been convinced by Bendtner, but his goal and a couple of other touches, particularly his finding Gilberto in the penalty area suggest he may be developing quicker than I thought. I also hadn't realised his goals per game ratio was quite as good. It's nice when players look like they may prove you wrong. And there was a cosy love-in with all the players when he scored so everyone's friends again. Can't go without mentioning Mad Jens. Firmly installed as an Arsenal legend, albeit sometimes for entirely the wrong reasons if you have a Corinthian view of sport. If his low point was the CL final, then his high point was being the goalie in the Unbeatables season. Or the Teletubbies act with Dogbreath, depending on your outlook. Either way I liked him and he was a breath of fresh air and let's not forget a damn fine goalie on his day.
最后编辑37°2 最后编辑于 2008-05-07 23:24:16
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回复:[枪迷视点] 特劳雷还是里贝里?


回复: [枪迷视点] 特劳雷还是里贝里?


回复:[枪迷视点] 特劳雷还是里贝里?

最后编辑roger663 最后编辑于 2008-05-07 13:21:29

回复:[枪迷视点] 特劳雷还是里贝里?

the Teletubbies act with Dogbreath 天线宝宝?
/  丷      \     
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回复:[枪迷视点] 特劳雷还是里贝里?

/  丷      \     
|  26    |           
|          |          星际间战略统合超级兵器

回复:[枪迷视点] 特劳雷还是里贝里?

~~~~~H14~~ B10~~~~~

回复:[枪迷视点] 特劳雷还是里贝里?

好像当年 埃布唉的情况  有点闪光就向前冲  注定失败

回复:[枪迷视点] 特劳雷还是里贝里?

the Teletubbies act with Dogbreath 应该是指他面对点球时的嗅觉吧 我记得哪个媒体说过 他的门线抽风舞像天线宝宝一样双手高举 应该是这个

回复:[枪迷视点] 特劳雷还是里贝里?

  1. 怀念那一道道彩虹般的弧线,怀念那一条条手术刀般的直线,怀念那一个个艺术杰作般的进球,那是10号真正的意义!!!
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