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[讨论]吴敬琏:坚定地推进市场化改革实现增长模式转型(节选) [复制链接]


Zerg 你也知道我最近研究利率政策比较多一点 但是我明显的感觉到政府目前的重点不是货币流动性 而是在信贷体制上的问题

现在政府试图阻止信贷的一种自我加强的反身性关系 以免出现1985年美国信贷无序扩张而导致的金融危机

我开始把自己的研究方向转到更微观的信贷问题上而不是广泛的货币供给 你可以密切关注一下我的space 今天刚写了一篇简短的文章 分析到了在信贷紧缩的情况下对银行业的利润增长





的确 现在央行对利率政策保持谨慎主要还是看美国方面 毕竟8月底美国是否会结束升息周期是一个未知数 尽管上周的褐皮书显示美国经济步伐放缓 但消费信心和非农就业率 以及领取救济金人数都有改善 央行必须谨慎保持和美国之间的利率差  

to zergling, holyshare, and to all those interested in studying Chinese Economy,

let me show you guys an article.

i promise after you have read it all over, carefully of course, you'll find there's no meaning in studying chinese economy

because: it is shit, it is shit for chinese people

after you read it, you'll lose all of your passions

fuck off chinese economy, it's total shit, it's none of my business

fuck chinese economy a thousand times


赫赫 我做些研究主要是为了自己的投资目的 测试市场反应 没有吴老那样的立场

if it's for personal interest, then OK

if for studying, no meaning.

interest rate, foreign exchange rate, chino-america trading,credit, financial reform, real estate....bla bla bla.

all these topics become shit once you realize the essence of chinese economy.

once you realize the real engine of chinese economy,you'll find how shit our government is.

frankly i prefer Mao Zedong.it's true.


the article is too long

to pick one paragraph is enough


zergling, don't be so passionate anymore

to all the friends here :

Option 1 : jump out of the system

Option 2 : to be a governer

Option 3 : to take advantage of the system (to "buo xue" other people)

Option 4 : die


Hehe, thanks, Bernard, your suggestion is quite interesting and practical.

Actually, I will think it over, thanks again.

Frankly speaking, I just found the main problem China's economy is facing is the decision-making regime and its supervision system.

It is quite prevalent that local government attach top priority on how much foreign capital you can attract in certain period. That's really ridiculous and absurd. Then, it is no wonder that there are too much foreign capital in the market, while there are too little valuable projects to let these capital work. Eventually, these capital all poured into real estate market, fundamental market, etc, with the prerequisite that central bank has to publicize the same amount of RMB. Then, the inflation crisis is looming. Nobody can substantially cure this problem, with escalating amount of RMB in the market.

Anyway, I am an graduate with economic background. I do feel we all endowed with a responsibility on considering how to boom and propel Chinese economy. Thanks again for your suggestion.


吾则晓得人民币升值对老百姓来讲是好事情 出国白相可以换到更加多的外币

以下是引用zergling在2006-7-31 20:27:00的发言:

Hehe, thanks, Bernard, your suggestion is quite interesting and practical.

Actually, I will think it over, thanks again.

Frankly speaking, I just found the main problem China's economy is facing is the decision-making regime and its supervision system.

It is quite prevalent that local government attach top priority on how much foreign capital you can attract in certain period. That's really ridiculous and absurd. Then, it is no wonder that there are too much foreign capital in the market, while there are too little valuable projects to let these capital work. Eventually, these capital all poured into real estate market, fundamental market, etc, with the prerequisite that central bank has to publicize the same amount of RMB. Then, the inflation crisis is looming. Nobody can substantially cure this problem, with escalating amount of RMB in the market.

Anyway, I am an graduate with economic background. I do feel we all endowed with a responsibility on considering how to boom and propel Chinese economy. Thanks again for your suggestion.

you're welcome. actually i'm not majored in economics.

i was interested in chinese economy before, several years ago i began to feel something very strange. But at that time i could not explain what exactly it is.

Now, i can. Chinese government is so brutal. They are just animals.

Nowaday China is neither socialism nor capitalism.

What is it ? A Monster. Internally speaking, it's cruel, merciless and intelligent. Externally speaking, it's rediculous, begging and stupid.


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