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[分享]永恒的经典-The Beatles [复制链接]


披头士乐队(甲克虫乐队) The Beatles 是无疑世纪的最有影响的乐队。在8年的时间中,他们不但改变了摇滚乐和流行乐 ,而且,永远的改变了所有音乐的面貌。 约翰·列农 John Lennon (John Winston Lennon) 吉它手、歌手 生于: 1940 年 10 月 9 日, 利物浦, 英格兰 死于: 1980 年 12 月 8 日, 纽约, 美国 宝罗·麦卡特尼 Paul McCartney (James Paul McCartney) 贝司手、歌手 生于:1942 年 6 月 18 日, 利物浦, 英格兰 乔治·哈里森 George Harrison 吉它手、歌手 生于:1943 年 2 月 25 日, 利物浦, 英格兰 Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey) 鼓手 生于:1940 年 7 月 7 日, 有树木的幽谷, 利物浦, 英格兰 50年代末,在节奏与布鲁斯的影响下,一种新的音乐风格--摇滚乐诞生了。 1956年,罗尼·多内甘(Lonnie Donegan)和克理斯·巴博爵士乐队(the Chris Barber Jazz Band)以一首胡迪·莱德巴特的《Rock Island Line》打入了排行榜的前十名。(克理斯·巴博乐队1967年录制了一首名为《Catc--all》的歌,这是保罗·麦卡特尼在1957-1960年间写的)罗尼·多内甘随后的一系列成功的歌曲(如《CumberlandGap》、《Gambling Man》)开始了席卷英伦三岛的“Skiffle”音乐狂潮。由于它简单的乐器(有时只是日常的家庭用具,象搓衣板),和一种“谁都可以做”的态度,全国十几岁的孩子都开始组建属于自己的"Skiffle"乐队。 在这些突然出现的“Skiffle Bug”中有一个16岁的利物浦男孩,名叫John Lennon。虽然他是听了一首猫王1956年录制的《伤心旅舍》,才对流行音乐产生兴趣的,但“Skiffle”音乐的兴起促使他在1957年3月组建他的第一个乐队,这个乐队叫“Black Jacks”,John弹一把央求他姨妈花17镑买的吉它,而另一位成员Pete Shotton的乐器是搓衣板。这个组合很快(一周后)改名为“Quarry Men”,这是他们两个的学校校歌中的一句,QuarryMen的人员总是不断的变化经常会有他们的朋友加入进来。他们开始在一些聚会和利物浦附近举行的“Skiffle”竞赛上演出。他们曾经参加过演出由卡洛尔·勒维斯举办的天才竞赛,但连预赛也没有通过。那次比赛失败一个月以后,Pete Shotton安排“QuarryMen”在一次沃尔顿圣彼德帕里什教堂的夏季节演出。举行的时间是1957年7月6日。 1957年7月6日,在利物浦的另一个地方,“Quarry Men”的一位成员伊万·沃汉(Ivan Vaughan)正在劝说他的朋友Paul McCartney,和他一起去看“Quarry Men”的演出,并宣称那儿是遇到女孩的好地方。总的不管怎么说,Paul还是和Ivan一起去看了演出。 Paul 对当时 John的评价:“我记得去了那个地方,看了所有的节目,也听了所有的音乐,那是John和他的乐队。我记得我很惊奇,因为我确实被那音乐吸引了。我记得John在唱一首叫《Come On With Me》的歌。他在收音机里听过那歌,不过他不知道歌词,只知道曲不知道的词他就自己编,他看起来不错,他唱得也很好,他对我应该是个很好的领唱。当然,他没戴眼镜,所以看起来确实很温和,我记得John确实不错,他是惟一一个出众的,其他人没有什么印象。” “Quarry Men”下午的演出结束后,Ivan把Paul介绍给了John。“那时我是个胖胖的上中学的男孩,他(John)把一个胳膊搭在我肩膀上,我那时觉得他准是喝酒了”。Paul抓过一把吉它,开始向乐队展示他的天才。他唱了《Tw--enty FlightRock》和《Be-Bop-A-Lula》,两首歌都是John最喜欢的(后来Paul抄了歌词给他)。Paul能记住所有的歌词,使John非常惊讶,而这个15岁男孩在吉它上表现出的技巧是所有“Quarry men” 成员都还没有掌握的。 1957年7月6日,是甲壳虫历史上最重要的一天。 两周以后, Pete Shotton骑自行车穿过沃尔顿代表John和乐队邀请Paul加入。在Paul McCartney加入“Qua--rry Men”,“Quarry Men”并没有立即接受George,嫌他年纪太小。而George却一心要加入乐队,于是很是崇拜John,亦步亦趋地模仿John, 他家也成了“Quarry Men”排练的好去处。后来当他终于加入乐队时,乐队已更名为“Jonny and the Moondogs”。在那年秋天(1958年),他们用“Jonny and the Moondogs”这个名字进行演出。是在利物浦演出,人们开始喜欢上这支乐队了... 1959年,他们把乐队的名字改为“Silver Beatles”这时他们遇到了一大问题----乐队没有鼓手。乔治·哈里森说他认识一个从俱乐部出来的家伙。他就是Pete Best于是他也加入了乐队。 到了1960年8月份,他们把乐队名字简化成了“甲壳虫”( The Beatles)。这时他们来到了德国的汉堡,因为在那里比较容易找到演出的机会。但是当他们第一次到的时候,却被告知他们乐队必须要有5个人。于是他们又返回利物浦,问一位朋友是否愿意加入乐队担任贝司手。这个人就是Stuart Sutcliffe,他说可以。那时已经是1961年了。他们就经常在汉堡演出。8月17日到10月3日,他们在Intra Club演出,每晚四个半小时,周末六个小时。这以后由于警方关闭了Intra Club,甲壳虫转到Kaiserkellar继续演出,在这里,他们遇到了一位来自当时利物浦最出名的乐队RoryStorm and the Hurricanes的鼓手Ringo Starr,Ringo很快和他们成了好朋友。10月15日,John、Paul、Geo--rge、Ringo和the Hurricanes的另一成员Lou Walters,一起在一间录音室录了George Gershwin的《Summ-- ertime》。 也是在Kaiserkellar,Stu遇到了Astrid,一个学摄影的女孩。两人很快坠入了情网,两个月后就订了婚。Beatles早期的马桶盖头发型,后来被一些歌星抄袭的造型,就是Stuart的女友Astrid设计的。在一次旅途中,他们遇到了歌手托尼·谢里丹。谢里丹想录制新专辑《我的邦妮》,但没有找到乐队。他们说可以为他伴奏,双方一拍即合。谢里丹的制作人给乐队起了个新名字“节奏兄弟”,但这个名字只是用于这次伴奏。 11月,甲壳虫转到了The Top Ten Club。11月21日,倒霉的George因为被发现不满18岁而在俱乐部演出,而被德国警方驱逐出境;只过了几天,Paul和Pete又被指控在他们所住的电影院后面的小屋里放火,也被警方驱逐出境;自然,John也只得收拾收拾,回国了。只有Stu留了下来,为了他所爱的女孩和绘画。 分别回国以后,George、Paul、John并没有联系,直到第二年的2月,他们才重新聚在一起,这时George甚至不知道其他甲壳虫也回国了。 Stu的离开使得甲壳虫不得不重新去找一个贝司手。起初,他们找到了Pete过去乐队Blackjacks的Chas Newby。但不久,Chas就因为要继续学业而离开了甲壳虫。 1961年,没有了贝司手的甲壳虫又一次踏上了去汉堡的旅程。在此期间,为了有一名长期的贝司手,甲壳虫们决定从内部解决这个问题。John、Paul、George三个人开始推来推去:John想要George去当,而其他人想要John去。最后的结果是Paul接过了这个任务。当时他恰好没有吉它(刚到汉堡就摔碎了),一直在弹钢琴,只能偷着弹别人的吉它,而且因为他是左撇子,只能反着弹。另有传闻说,他当上贝司手后,他的第一把贝司是一把七弦贝司,上面的弦是从汉堡一家俱乐部的钢琴上“借”下来的。后来的某一天,Paul外出寻找他的第一把象样的贝司,他到了汉堡市中心的一家小商店,在橱窗里看见了一把小提琴形状的贝司,那是一把Hafner500/1,他花了大约$45买了下来。再后来,他有过许多不同型号的afner500/1。 1960年,在德国的Top Ten俱乐部演出并帮助Tony Sheridan出了单曲My Bonnie。观众里包括North End音乐商店经理Brian Epstein,他开有一间录音室。“甲壳虫”的演出给他留下了很深的印象。于是他就告诉“甲壳虫”他想作乐队经纪人。对于这个主动找上门的提议,“甲壳虫”们怎么能不动心呢?经过毛遂自荐便成为了他们的经纪人,这时大约是61 年的11月。随后,Epstein就开始和英国几乎所有的唱片公司联系。 在他的安排下,甲壳虫在1962年新年的第一天来到Decca唱片公司试音。他们演唱的是经Epstein精心挑选的15首歌曲,其中包括三首他们自己写的歌:《Hello Little Girl》、《Like Dreamers Do》和《Love Of The Loved》。然而Decca公司并不认为他们的歌会走红,没有和他们签约。 不久,Epstein会见了经营着一家属于EMI的小公司Parlaphone的George Martin。Epstein当时已经被多家公司拒绝,有些心灰意冷,和George Martin的会面实际上多半是开玩笑,因为George Martin的公司主要制作喜剧录音,Epstein给George Martin听了甲壳虫的试音带,试音带的效果并不好,但为了了解甲壳虫究竟如何, George Martin叫Epstein把他们带来,让 他亲自看看。几个月以后,1962年6月6日,甲壳虫们第一次来到Abbey Road录音室试音。George Martin花了两个晚上和一个下午来听甲壳虫的演唱,他很快被甲壳虫的非凡魅力所吸引。 甲壳虫们写的《LoveMe Do》是其中他最喜欢的一首,《P.S.I Love You》是另一首,只有一点,George Martin稍稍有些不满意, 他把这点告诉了Epstein, George Martin不知道这个问题也正是Epstein和其他甲壳虫在考虑的。生性文静的Pete Best一直与其他甲壳虫有些格格不入,他的击鼓也很难为甲壳虫这样一支摇滚乐队提供有力的支持,而最重要的一点是甲壳虫们也的确知道有另一位更加出色的鼓手。 8月16日,Ringo Starr正式代替Pete best成为甲壳虫的鼓手。这大大激怒了Pete Best歌迷,Mersey Beat很快收到一封有几百个签名的请愿书,还有很多歌迷聚集在The Cavern Club门前示威,喊着“Pete Best Forever,RingoNever!”甚至还发生了一些混战。在其中的一次里,Goeroge Harrison被揍了个“乌眼青”, 8月18日,Ringo仅仅排练了两个小时后,和其他甲壳虫一起开始了他们第一次在Parlaphone的正式录音。 在9月4日的第二次录音中,制作人George Martin想让他们唱Mitch Murray的歌《How Do You Do It》,但甲壳虫们坚持要用他们自己的歌《Love Me Do》,争论的结果是甲壳虫们获胜了。录音前,George Martin的另一个建议被接受了,这就是加上John的口琴,但他们不得不改变原先由John主唱Love Me Do的计划,而改由Paul来主唱,这使天生有“舞台恐惧症”的Paul大为紧张。 10月5日,甲壳虫的第一张英国单曲唱片《Love Me Do/P.S.I Love You》正式发行。据说Epstein为了确保这张唱片能打入排行榜的前二十名,Epstein本人掏钱买了一万张。对于他们来说,这或多或少也算是一个成绩。从这以后,他们开始在全国巡回演出。他们的新歌《Please Please Me》登上了热门歌曲排行榜的首位。他们其它的一些早期登上排行榜首位的歌曲有《She Loves You》和《From Me To You》。这时真正的“甲壳虫”狂热开始了。同年,他们第一次到瑞典进行了演出,而此刻美国也急切地希望他们能去演出。布赖安·爱泼斯坦和他们的制作人乔治·马丁希望们能够去美国演出。但“甲壳虫”们却说:“只有我们的歌曲在美国拿到第一,我们才会去”。因此他们没有去美国,而是去了法国。在法国的一次演出之后,他们收到了一封发到旅馆的电报:“国会录音公司(Capitol Records)向你们表示祝贺!你们的歌曲获得了美国排行榜第一名”。于是结束了法国之行后,他们开始赴美国演出。在那里,他们取得了极大的成功。结束了在美国的伟大之旅后,他们回到了英国,开始拍摄他们的第一部电影《A Hard Days Night》。 1962年的第三次汉堡之行却是痛苦而令他们永生难忘的。1962年4月10日,在甲壳虫到汉堡的前一天, Astrid接到她妈妈的电话说,Stu头疼得想从二楼窗户跳出去。她赶回家, 想把Stu送到医院去,但是在去医院的路上,Stu死在了她的怀中。据说是死于脑出血。Astrid到机场去接John、Paul和Pete时,他们的眼睛都红红的。John Lennon在《In My Life》这首歌所写的"With lovers and friends I still can recall, Some are dead and Some are living ",指的就是他死去的好友Stuart Sutcliffe,一个早夭的天才。 Beatles的成功引起Decca Records的无限悔恨,也间接促成Decca Records 与Rolling Stone签约,就从这儿开始, 同类型团体大量冒出,摇滚乐又随着Beatles改变了! 1964年,Beatles到美国Grace Land拜访他们的少年偶像Elvis Presley,Elvis对于这四个小鬼能够独步武林,表示非常不屑,他一直躺在沙发上看电视,不想跟这些毛头答腔,Beatles不以为意,只觉得这是一次奇怪的会面。1965年8月Beatles在Shea Stadium创下演出收入的纪录,又借机拜访了他们年少时的偶像Elvis Presley 。没想到Elvis当面斥责这 四个小鬼,批评Beatles的音乐是制造社会问题的噪音。 1965年10月26日,英国国教决议颁给他们荣誉奖章,在白金汉宫,Elizabeth女王亲自颁授MBE(Member of the British Empire)勋章给每一位团员。新专辑和第二部电影的名字是《求救》(HELP!),卖出了上百万张。 在1965年底,“甲壳虫”在纽约“希叶”体育馆进行了演出,观众达到了创纪录的55000人。以前从没有人能够拥有这么多的观众。这时他们的音乐变得更富有变化。乔治·哈里森还受到了印度音乐的启发,这可以从专辑《橡皮心》中听出来。不久他们又开始进行了亚洲巡演,其中演唱了新歌,包括《Paperback Writer》。他们还到了菲律宾,但在那里觉得不太舒服,因为那里的“甲壳虫” 迷实在是太过分了,到处都是疯狂的歌迷,使他们十分疲惫。 到了1966年底,他们在美国旧金山的烛台公园进行了演出,这是他们最后的一次正式演出。之后他们有更多的时间来录制歌曲了。 1967年,beatles 推出《Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band》这张概念专辑,正式让摇滚乐成为严肃的艺术,创作题材不再仅限于男欢女爱。1967年六月,Beatles在全球第一次的卫星转播节目中,应邀作现场表演,他们特地为此写了一首歌《All you need is Love》,透过三颗卫星,24个国家可以同步看到Beatles的这场演出。 1968年,他们录制了《The white album》。 1969年,他们制作了《Let It Be》这时他们非常疲惫,觉得这些专辑应该是他们最后的作品。不过他们觉得《Let It Be》有点过于悲伤,因此他们又制作了专辑《Abbey Road》。他们在他们开在伦敦的苹果公司的房顶上进行了最后一次演出。 1970年4月,“甲壳虫”宣布解散,不过其成员还在继续着各自的音乐事业,他们的专辑也仍然在出售,其中新的一张精选集卖得非常好。“甲壳虫”过去是,现在是,或许将来也会是有史以来最受欢迎和最成功的音乐组合。

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-27 21:10:58编辑过]

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[分享]永恒的经典-The Beatles(9/27/2004 9:03:00 PM 上传)




John Lennon  约翰·列侬

John Winston Lennon was born in Liverpool on October 9, 1940, during the height of WWII, his father, Fred Lennon, off at sea. His father didn't turn up again until five years later, and when he did he tried to take john away from his mother, Julia, when she refused to restart her life with him. Instead, he grew up in the Liverpool suburb of Woolton, with his Aunt Mimi and Uncle George Smith, at 251 Menlove Ave, which became nicknamed Mendips. Julia died in 1958, in an automobile accident practically in front of Mendips, when John was seventeen. nickname vt. 给...取绰号, 给...起浑名

Aunt Mimi ran a very strict household. John very quickly became bored at school, preferring drawing and writing about his classmates and teachers rather than his studies. Rebellious at an early age, he had a very rough school history, sagging off from school (going AWOL from classes) and petty stealing. His future looked bleak until Mimi got the headmaster of the Quarrybank school to write a letter of recommendation for John to the Liverpool Art College, because of his drawings. sagging v. 松弛, (物价)下跌, 漂流

It was at Liverpool Art College, in 1956, a friend played him Elvis' Heartbreak Hotel, and John's musical interest was piqued. Then he heard Lonnie Donegan's Rock Island Line on Radio Luxembourg, and became part of the new Skiffle craze by begging his Aunt Mimi until she broke down and bought him a guitar, although she forever told him he would never get anywhere with it. He had already learned to play the harmonica during his childhood, and he taught himself the guitar by applying banjo chords that his mother had taught him. piqued vt. 伤害...自尊心, 使...生气 banjo n. 班卓琴, 五弦琴

In 1955 he started his own band, the Quarrymen, with his long time pal and fellow troublemaker Pete Shotton, singing all the popular songs, sometimes making up the words when he couldn't get them all off the radio. Also in the Quarrymen were Nigel Walley and Ivan Vaughan, the rest of John's gang. It was Ivan Vaughan who introduced John to his friend, Paul McCartney, in 1957. John married his girlfriend of four years, Cynthia Powell, in 1962. She was pregnant with their son Julian at the time, who was born in April, 1963. pregnant adj. 怀孕的, 孕育的

In His Own Words About his time in art school, John said: "My whole school life was a case of 'I couldn't care less'. It was just a joke as far as I was concerned. Art was the only thing I could do, and my headmaster told me that if I didn't go to art school I might as well give up life. I wasn't really keen. I thought it would be a crowd of old men, but I should make the effort and make something of myself. I stayed for five years doing commercial art. Frankly, I found it all as bad as maths and science. And I loathed those. The funny thing was I didn't even pass art in the GCE. I spent the exam time doing daft cartoons. I got into art school by doing some decent stuff and taking it along to show them." daft adj. 愚蠢的

On musical differences: "From our earliest days in Liverpool, George and I on the one hand and Paul on the other had different musical tastes. Paul preferred 'pop type' music and we preferred what is now called 'underground'. This may have led to arguments, particularly between Paul and George, but the contrast in tastes, I'm sure, did more good than harm, musically speaking, and contributed to our success."

Paul McCartney保罗·麦卡特尼

On June 18, 1942, James Paul McCartney was born at Walton General Hospital in Liverpool, where his mother had previosly worked as a midwife. His brother, Michael, who's full name is Peter Michael McCartney, and who later went by the name of Mike McGear, was born eighteen months later. His family moved a few times, when he was 13, they moved to 20 Forthlin Road in Allerton, just across a golf course and a little over one mile away from where John lived with his Aunt Mimi. midwife n. 助产士, 接生员, 产婆

Music was always a part of the McCartney household. Before the war, Paul's father was a Cotton salesman during the day, and a jazz musician with Jim Mac's Jazz Band by night. Both Paul and his brother received piano lessons. His mother Mary died of breast cancer when he was fourteen, while the two brothers were away at Boy Scout camp. The antithesis of John Lennon as a school boy, Paul did very well in school.

When Lonnie Donnegan appeared in Liverpool and the Skiffle craze hit, Jim McCartney scraped together ?5 for a guitar for Paul. Paul's friend Ivan Vaughan invited Paul to Woolton to see the Quarrymen play in Woolton on July 6, 1957, but not really to hear the Quarrymen, it was because Vaughan had promised Paul it would be a great place to pick up girls, which Paul was already very interested in at the age of 14. Later in the afternoon, after hearing the Quarrymen play, Paul borrowed a guitar and impressed the boys with all the chords and the words to "Twenty Flight Rock". Paul's first impression of John was that he was drunk. But Paul wrote down the words for "Twenty Flight Rock" and "Be Bop a Lula" for him so that John could learn them. A few days later Pete Shotten told Paul the others wanted him to join the band. scraped vi. 刮掉, 擦掉, 刮出刺耳声

Paul switched to the Bass when the Beatles' bass player Stu Sutcliffe left the group in 1961. When all of the Beatles moved to London in 1963, Paul began to see actress Jane Asher on a steady basis. switched vt. 转换, 转变

In His Own Words On the creation of Apple, Paul said: "We've already bought all our dreams. We want to share that possibility with others. When we were touring, and when the adoration and hysteria were at a peak, if we'd been the shrewd operators we were often made out to be, we might have thought -- that's nice! Ah. Click. Let's use this for own evil ends. But there's no desire in any of our heads to take over the world. That was Hitler. That's what he wanted to do. There is, however, a desire to get power in order to use it for good." While speaking about the Maharishi, Paul said: "I realize now that taking drugs was like taking an aspirin without having a headache."

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-27 21:14:50编辑过]


George Harrison乔治·哈里森

George Harrison was born February 25, 1943, making him the youngest Beatle. The only Beatle who's childhood was not marred by divorce or death, he had two brothers, Harold Jr. and Peter, and a sister, Louise. His father, Harold, was a bus driver, and his mother a housewife, who all the kids in the neighborhood knew and liked.

George attended Dovedale Primary school, two forms behind John Lennon, and then Liverpool Institute, one form below Paul McCartney. He showed his independant nature at an early age, defying his school's age-old dress code by wearing jeans and growing long hair. His strict parents did not condone his disrespectful attitude and George soon learned to tone down his rebellion. When the skiffle craze hit Liverpool, George and his brother Peter formed a Skiffle band, but because they were so young, they had to sneak out of the house to play their first engagement. disrespectful adj. 失礼的, 无礼的 rebellion n. 谋反, 叛乱, 反抗, 不服从

George and Paul took the same bus to school, and soon found they had music and guitars in common. They spent many hours together at each other's homes practicing guitar. In 1956, Paul introduced the skinny and pimple-faced George to the Quarrymen, who was only 14 at the time. Not old enough to join the group, George hung around with the boys, and came to idolize John, doing everything he could to emulate him. George stood in the back of the room at all their shows with his guitar. A few times he filled in for the regular guitarist who didn't show up, and the boys were also welcomed in George's house by his mother to practice and for an occasional "jam buttie", encouragement which infuriated John's Aunt Mimi. Gradually, George became a member of the group, which by then had come to be called Johnny and the Moondogs. skinny adj. 皮的, 似皮的, 膜状的, 小的 pimple n. [医]丘疹, 面泡, 疙瘩 infuriated adj. 狂怒的

From the very start of the Beatles' popularity, George was as major a vocalist as John and Paul. As the songwriting of Lennon and McCartney became world-known, George started to concentrate more on writing songs as well, although many of the early songs written while with the Beatles went unrecorded. The first Beatles song written by George was Don't Bother Me. George became a very serious musician who worked dilgently to perfect his playing. His concentration to his playing was apparent while on stage, especially compared to the wild antics of John and Paul. dilgently n. 勤奋

George almost missed the Beatles' biggest appearance in America, the Ed Sullivan Show, on February 9, 1964, because of a sore throat. He met teenage model Patty Boyd while filming A Hard Day's Night and they got married on January 21, 1966. appearance n. 出现, 露面, 外貌, 外观

In His Own Words At their first session, when the Beatles were asked by George Martin if there wasn't anything they didn't like, George replied: "Well, I don't like your tie for a start." About Indian music and philosophy, George said: "After 'Norwegian Wood', I met Ravi Shankar at a friend's house in London, for dinner. He offered to give me instructions in the basics of the sitar, like how to sit, how to hold it, and the basic exercises. It was the first time I had ever really learned music with a bit of discipline. Then I started to listen to Indian music for the next two years, and hardly touched the guitar, except for recordings. Having all these material things, I wanted something more. And it happened that at just the time I wanted it, it came to me in the form of Ravi Shankar, Indian music, and the whole Indian philosophy." Ringo Starr林戈·斯塔尔

Richard Starkey was born in a small two-story terraced house in the Dingle area of Liverpool, on July 7, 1940, making him the oldest Beatle, three months older than John. His father, who's name was also Richard, was originally a Liverpool dock worker, and later worked in a bakery where he met Ringo's mother Elsie. His parents broke up in 1943, and Elsie later married Harry Graves, who little Richie called his "step ladder". terrace vt. 使成梯形地, 使有平台屋顶 bakery n. 面包店

Although remaining cheerful throughout his childhood, it was filled with hospital time, for appendicitis at 6, at which time he went into a coma for two months, and a cold which developed into pleurisy when he was 13, causing him to miss much school. By fifteen he could just barely read and write. appendicitis n. 阑尾炎, 盲肠炎 coma n. 昏迷 pleurisy n. [医] 肋膜炎, 胸膜炎

Like the other Beatles, young Ritchie also eventually became caught up in Liverpool's Skiffle craze. After starting his own group with Eddie Miles called The Eddie Clayton Skiffle Group in 1957, he joined The Raving Texans in 1959, a quartet which played while Rory Storm sang. During this time, he got the nickname Ringo, because of the rings he wore, and because it sounded "cowboyish", and the last name Starr so that his drum solos could be billed as "Starr Time". quartet n. 四重奏, 四重唱, 四部合奏(唱)曲

Notice Ringo's real name listed as "Richard Sharkey" Ringo first met the Beatles in Hamburg in October 1960 while there performing with what had become Rory Storm and The Hurricanes. Ringo joined the Beatles on August 18, 1962. Rory Storm was magnanimous about the theft of his drummer, but Pete Best fans were upset, holding vigils outside Pete's house and rioting at the Cavern Club, shouting "Pete Best forever! Ringo never!" His health would cause him problems again later, he missed three quarters of the 1964 tour of Scandanavia, Holland, the Far East and Australia, to have his tonsils out. Hurricanes n. 飓风, 狂风 magnanimous adj. 宽宏大量的, 有雅量的 quarters num. 四分之一, 刻 tonsils n. [解] 扁桃腺

The Beatles' first movie, originally to be called Beatlemania became to be called A Hard Day's Night because it was something Ringo had said one evening after a long and particularly grueling session. grueling n. 重罚, 严惩 Ringo married his long-time girlfriend Maureen Cox on February 11, 1965, and they had three children, Zak, Jason and Lee.

In His Own Words

About his early drumming, Ringo said: "I started to be an engineer but I banged me thumb on the first day. I became a drummer because it was the only thing I could do. But whenever I hear another drummer I know I'm no good. John learned me the song I sing. I can only play on the off beat because John can't keep up on the rhythm guitar. I'm no good on the technical things but I'm good with all the motions, swinging my head, like. That's because I love to dance but you can't do that on the drums. "I figure we're good for another four years. I don't want to invest me money in stocks or anything. I just want to have it and draw twenty or thirty quid a week. The main thing is, I don't ever want to go back to work."


披头士的家 London: Beatle Homes

57 Green Street, Mayfair

Hotel President, Russell Square

13 Emperor's Gate, Brompton

The Beatles lived in the Hotel President in Bloomsbury in the summer of 1963 after making the move from Liverpool to London. They all moved into a flat at 57 Green Street, near Hyde Park, in the Autumn of 1963, the only true home shared by all four Beatles. John, Cynthia and baby Julian soon moved to their own place on Emperor's Gate (the building was since torn down to make way for the new office building at the rear of the picture).

Whaddon House, Knightsbridge

Whaddon House

34 Montagu Square, Marylebone

Brian Epstein moved into the top floor apartment of Whaddon House in late 1963, followed shortly by George and Ringo, who shared an apartment here for over a year. Whaddon House is located on William Mews, a small, private street near Harrods and the Knightsbridge tube stop. Ringo moved into a two-level apartment on the ground floor and basement of an elegant building at 34 Montagu Square in 1965. Ringo moved again later in that year, but retained the lease on Montagu Square and loaned his apartment to several friends over the next few years, most notably Jimi Hendrix and John & Yoko, who lived here in 1968. (This is also where John & Yoko were busted for drugs in October 1968.) elegant: adj. 文雅的, 端庄的, 雅致的, <口>上品的, 第一流的 lease: n. 租借, 租约, 租赁物, 租期

57 Wimpole Street, Marylebone

7 Cavendish Avenue, St. John's Wood

Paul McCartney left Green Street to move into a top floor room on Wimpole Street at the family home of his girlfriend, actress Jane Asher. John and Paul wrote several songs, including "I Want to Hold Your Hand," in the basement music room of the Asher home. In 1966, Paul moved to his own home in St. John's Wood close to Abbey Road and EMI Studios. The Beatles frequently gathered here before or after sessions at Abbey Road.


Sunny Heights

John, George and Ringo all moved into large homes in the distant, wooded "stockbroker belt" suburbs of Surrey in the mid-sixties, leaving Paul the only true "London Beatle." John and Ringo both bought homes in the exclusive St. George's Hill Estate in Weybridge. John lived in "Kenwood" with Cynthia and Julian from 1964 until their divorce in 1968. Ringo and wife Maureen lived in "Sunny Heights" from 1965 through 1968. George bought a home ("Kinfauns") in the Claremont Estate in nearby Esher. stockbroker: n. 股票经纪人

24 Chapel Street, Belgravia

a view up Chapel Street

Brian Epstein moved, in January 1965, from Whaddon House to Chapel Street in Belgravia, an embassy district and one of the most exclusive areas in London. Many memorable parties were held at 24 Chapel Street, including the release party for "Sgt. Pepper," and Brian Epstein died here in August 1967.

披头士的出生地Liverpool: Beatle Birthplaces

Oxford Street Maternity Hospital

Walton Hospital

John Lennon was born on October 9, 1940 in the now-closed Maternity Hospital on Oxford Street, adjacent to the University of Liverpool campus. Paul McCartney was born on June 18, 1942 in Walton Hospital, where his mother had worked as a nurse. Walton Hospital is in the northern part of Liverpool not far from Paul's first home at 10 Sunbury Road.

adjacent: adj. 邻近的, 接近的

12 Arnold Grove

9 Madryn Street

George Harrison was born on February 25, 1943 in a tiny "two up, two down" on the Arnold Grove cul-de-sac not far from Penny Lane. Ringo Starr [Richard Starkey] was born on July 7, 1940 on Madryn Street in the "Dingle" area of Liverpool. Both George and Ringo were born at home.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-27 21:20:16编辑过]


披头士的家 Liverpool: Beatle Homes

9 Newcastle Road

"Mendips" 251 Menlove Avenue

John spent his first five years at 9 Newcastle Road (two blocks from Penny Lane), the family home of his mother, Julia Stanley. He then moved into "Mendips," where he was raised by his Aunt Mimi and where he lived until he was twenty. John's mother was run over by a car and killed in front of Mendips when John was 17.

72 Western Avenue

12 Ardwick Road

From 1946 until 1955, the McCartney family lived in the sprawling Speke industrial development south of Liverpool, first at 72 Western Avenue and then at 12 Ardwick Road.

sprawl: v. 四肢伸开地坐(或卧), 爬行, 蔓生, 蔓延

20 Forthlin Road

A tour group visits the National Trust home...

Paul McCartney's family moved to Forthlin Road in the Allerton suburb in 1955. (Paul's mother, Mary, died of breast cancer less than a year after the move to Forthlin Road.) The McCartney's old "council flat" has now been purchased and made a historic site by the National Trust.

suburb: n. 市郊, 郊区

25 Upton Green

174 Macket's Lane

George Harrison's family moved from his Arnold Grove birthplace to Upton Green in the Speke industrial development in 1950. George met Paul at a bus stop in Speke when both families lived there, and the Harrison home in this distant locale was the setting for many Quarrymen rehearsals, thanks to the relative tolerance of George's parents... The Harrisons moved up to Macket's Lane in 1962 and lived there until 1965, continually besieged by Beatle fans.

locale: n. 现场, 场所 besiege: vt. 围困, 围攻, 包围,

10 Admiral Grove

A view up Admiral Grove

Royal Liverpool Children's Hospital

At the age of six, Ringo Starr moved to this small "two up, two down" on Admiral Grove, just around the corner from his birthplace on Madryn Street and in the heart of a working class area called The Dingle. Serious health problems made the Children's Hospital on Myrtle Street (now closed) his second home for nearly a year.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-27 21:24:01编辑过]



其实来了这里这么久却发现没有The beatles很惊讶,所以发了这个贴,毕竟听音乐的人都不能忘了The beatles为音乐所做的贡献,可以说它的出现改变了后来的音乐发展趋势,少了它,现在的音乐世界未必会如此多姿多彩。


以下是引用Versace在2004-9-27 22:43:00的发言: 好贴当然要精华



以下是引用gooooner在2004-9-28 21:27:00的发言:




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