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[音乐] 天赐——Nightwish,神作——Dark Passion Play [复制链接]

喜欢上Nightwish有一段时间了,记得那个时候,在看Heroes 123时,最后的影像特典的BGM就是Nightwish的Dark Chest of Wonders,当时听了被震撼了,于是就在网上拼命找这是什么歌,后来就知道了Nightwish,不过我一直不算是什么正宗的饭,只是下了好多张专辑,听听他们的歌,听多了,也就爱上了。 关于Nightwish,我想我不用多介绍了,大家应该比较熟悉,这支芬兰的乐队,和另外一支芬兰乐队The Rasmus一样是我的最爱。 Nightwish前主唱Tarja的声音高亢妖媚而优雅,而The Rasmus主唱的声音爆发力强,很有空间感,分明是非常暗黑的风格,他的声音却如此明亮。 前几天我在找一首歌,Amaranth,起初不知道这是Nightwish新专辑里的歌,当我看到时还楞了一下,因为那主唱的声音有些太甜了,后来才反应过来前段时间有人和我说Nightwish换了主唱,当时没在意,才恍然大悟。 新主唱是Anette,其实她的声音也很赞,只是Tarja的声音太特别了,铭刻在脑海里忘不掉,那神秘的,华丽的,妖媚的,高亢的声音,带着斯堪的纳维亚大地的浓厚色彩,就像芬兰上空的极光划破天空,Nightwish的旋律与她的声音完美的结合在一起,让你觉得被闪电击中,被匕首刺穿。就像尼采说过的,如果人类的耳朵被那样的声音席卷而过,那么他对任何其他声音再也充耳不闻。 但是,我要说的是,这次Nightwish的新专辑还是给了我很深刻的印象,Nightwish的风格依旧没变,换了主唱,或许有些不习惯,但并不能说就逊色于以往。可以说Anette的声音,听多了,有一种救赎感在内。这种声音,在听多了The Rasmus的歌的我看来,更是一种洗涤。和Haley Westerna的那过于天籁的声音不同,Anette的声音虽然甜美,但也时不时爆发出惊人的力量,又是一种特别的刻骨铭心。 ——  关于专辑的介绍,我就不废话太多。我下的双碟版,一张是Instrument,喜欢的自己去听吧,整张都非常棒,听完觉得我整个人都被救赎了。 “时隔三年,Nightwish终于发片了,随着乐队新主唱的加入,风格上也稍有转变。乐队的创作核心:键盘手Tuomas(一位有着11年音乐学院资历的高材生),为新主唱 Anette Olzon 量身定做了这张专辑。前主唱那种浑厚,高亢的嗓音已经不在有了,现主唱则以柔美,轻灵的嗓音即将开启一个新的时代。这张专辑中不但加入凯尔特风格的元素还有部分管弦乐。现主唱 Anette Olzon 出生于1971年,瑞典人,来自音乐世家。据说 Anette Olzon 是从2000多名应征者中选出的,乐队没有去找一个嗓音和Tarja 相仿的来复刻从前的成功,而是选择一名优秀的主唱再为其量身打造合适的作品,这样的做法足以让每一名乐迷欣慰。也从另一方面证明了乐队的实力,Nightwish的成功不是因为某个人,而是因为他们有一个优秀的创作团队!” 原文地址:http://www.w-o-fantian.com/article.asp?id=2014 The Poet And The Pendulum : 这首歌一共5个乐章,是和英国交响乐团合作的(?),其中牵涉了很多宗教和传说的隐喻,我没仔细研究过歌词,宗教是我的软肋啊……等我有时间了再来研究研究吧,歌曲本身非常气势恢宏。 据Fans说创作核心Tuomas借这首歌抒发了自己对Tarja被逐一件事的看法与情感。当然了,究竟怎样也只有当事人才知道了,我们欣赏歌曲本身就好。 Part I: "White Lands of Empathica" The end. The songwriter's dead. The blade fell upon him Taking him to the white lands Of Empathica Of Innocence Empathica Innocence Part II: "Home" The dreamer and the wine Poet without a rhyme A widowed writer torn apart by chains of hell One last perfect verse Is still the same old song Oh Christ how I hate what I have become Take me home Get away, run away, fly away Lead me astray to dreamer's hideaway I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world Forgive me I have but two faces One for the world One for God Save me I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world My home was there and then Those meadows of heaven Adventure-filled days One with every smiling face Please, no more words Thoughts from a severed head No more praise Tell me once my heart goes right Take me home Get away, run away, fly away Lead me astray to dreamer's hideaway I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world Forgive me I have but two faces One for the world One for God Save me I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world Part III: "The Pacific" Sparkle my scenery With turquoise waterfall With beauty underneath The Ever Free Tuck me in beneath the blue Beneath the pain, beneath the rain Goodnight kiss for a child in time Swaying blade my lullaby On the shore we sat and hoped Under the same pale moon Whose guiding light chose you Chose you all ”I'm afraid. I'm so afraid. Being raped again, and again, and again. I know I will die alone. But loved. You live long enough to hear the sound of guns, long enough to find yourself screaming every night, long enough to see your friends betray you. For years I've been strapped unto this altar. Now I only have 3 minutes and counting. I just wish the tide would catch me first and give me a death I always longed for.” Part IV: "Dark Passion Play" Second robber to the right of Christ Cut in half - infanticide The world will rejoice today As the crows feast on the rotting poet Everyone must bury their own No pack to bury the heart of stone Now he's home in hell, serves him well Slain by the bell, tolling for his farewell The morning dawned upon his altar Remains of the dark passion play Performed by his friends without shame Spitting on his grave as they came Get away, run away, fly away Lead me astray to dreamer's hideaway I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world Forgive me I have but two faces One for the world One for God Save me I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world "Today, in the year of our Lord 2005, Tuomas was called from the cares of the world. He stopped crying at the end of each beautiful day. The music he wrote had too long been without silence. He was found naked and dead, With a smile in his face, a pen and 1000 pages of erased text.” Save me Part V: "Mother & Father" Be still, my son You're home Oh when did you become so cold? The blade will keep on descending All you need is to feel my love Search for beauty, find your shore Try to save them all, bleed no more You have such oceans within In the end I will always love you The beginning Amaranth 这首歌我刚推过,在这儿作为这张专辑的一部分当然还得再推一次。 Amaranth是一种植物,在Wiki上查过,之前的生物学特征太复杂了也没啥意义,我就看了作为传说和诗歌中的隐喻,Amaranth是一种象征着Immortal的植物,没错,就是永生,在诗歌中,诗人们似乎喜欢把它和Rose放在一起比较。因为Rose虽然美丽却短命,但Amaranth却象征着永恒。 Amaranth还有一种含义,当你把Amaranth放在床头,可以作为恶魔将至的警告,而似乎又是与吸血鬼有关的,我没仔细看。 我想说Anette的声音演绎这首歌实在太适合了。非常好听。 这首歌的MV是讲述一对兄弟救起一只落难人间的天使,而天使却被当地村民当成恶魔活活烧死的故事。个人觉得MV拍得不是很好,浪费了这首歌的意境了。不过天使落下的红色的血泪那里很不错。 这就是Amaranth。 baptised with a perfect name the doubting one by heart alone without himself war between him and the day need someone to blame in the end, little he can do alone you believe but what you see you receive but what you give caress the one, the never-fading rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow caress the one, the hiding amaranth in a land of the daybreak apart from the wandering pack in this brief flight of time we reach for the ones, whoever dare you believe but what you see you receive but what you give caress the one, the never-fading rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow caress the one, the hiding amaranth in a land of the daybreak reaching, searching for something untouched hearing voices of the never-fading calling caress the one, the never-fading rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow caress the one, the hiding amaranth in a land of the daybreak Sahara 很沉重很有气势的一首歌,歌词我也没仔细看,似乎也是和历史有关的,而其中我注意到有Caravan这个词,顿时让我想到了伊斯兰与耶路撒冷。噢,看见歌词里有一千零一夜……难不成和那个传说有关?改天再研究。 A ballad of dark queen echoes through night As he flees the curse of gods, the pharaoh's wrath 1001 nights unseen The philosopher and the queen Ancient mariner in a sea of sand The burning beauty his tomb to die for 1001 nights unseen The philosopher and the queen Horizon's swarming with death Run! Heaven has a darkened face Dunes are soaring, as on a chase Caravan of the cursed Chasing him across the waves May he now rest under aegis of mirage As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields 1001 nights unseen The philosopher and the queen


    最后编辑Zlatan 最后编辑于 2008-11-28 18:44:40
    本主题由 版主 cecilia72 于 11/28/2008 7:26:25 PM 执行 设置高亮 操作


    Whoever Brings the Night 也是一首很不错的歌~ We seduce the dark with pain and rapture Like two ships that pass in the night You and I, a whore and a bashful sailor Welcome to a sunrise of a dirty mind All you love is a lie You one-night butterfly Hurt me, be the one Whoever brings the night The Dark, created to hide the innocent white, the lust of night Eyes so bright, seductive lies Crimson masquerade where I merely played my part Poison dart of desire All you love is a lie You one-night butterfly Hurt me, be the one Whoever brings the night Choose a bride Tonight a fantasy for a zombie Hurt me, I love to suffer Your harem's a dream for free Enter Suck from us and live forever Rotten beauty Will haunt you for a lifetime Come with me underwater And drown to despise me no more Unholy, unworthy My night is a dream for free All you love is a lie You one-night butterfly Hurt me, be the one Whoever brings the night The Islander 只能说这首歌对于有大海情结的我来说太对味了,一下子就喜欢上了,看了歌词后更爱了。很有凯尔特的风格,而MV的灰暗暗的基调和爱尔兰的色调很衬。不由自主地就想到尤利西斯了,远远地,海岸线上的灯塔。 An old man by a seashore At the end of day Gazes the horizon With seawinds in his face Tempest-tossed island Seasons all the same Anchorage unpainted And a ship without a name Sea without a shore for the banished one unheard He lightens the beacon, light at the end of world Showing the way lighting hope in their hearts The ones on their travels homeward from afar This is for long-forgotten Light at the end of the world Horizon crying The tears he left behind long ago The albatross is flying Making him daydream The time before he became One of the world`s unseen Princess in the tower Children in the fields Life gave him it all: An island of the universe Now his love`s a memory A ghost in the fog He sets the sails one last time Saying farewell to the world Anchor to the water Seabed far below Grass still in his feet And a smile beneath his brow This is for long-forgotten Light at the end of the world Horizon crying The tears he left behind so long ago Last of the Wilds 纯乐,非常赞的曲调。刚才只是想到尤利西斯,现在满脑子都是古不列颠的蓝天白云了。 总的来说新专辑都很不错,我只是挑了我特别喜欢的几首来推荐。
    最后编辑Zlatan 最后编辑于 2008-11-28 18:32:25


    那首The Poet And The Pendulum是神作中的神作……我只有膜拜的份了


    Nightwish,可以算哥特式金属乐队么?我不是很了解……只听歌而已…… 恩,Tarja的声音我也很喜欢。不过新主唱听听也就习惯了。主要是Nightwish的风格还是一如既往的赞就可以了。 之前最爱的Nightwish的歌是Ever Dream和Nightquest,还有Wish I had an angel和Dark Chest of Wonders,还有很多都很好听
    最后编辑Zlatan 最后编辑于 2008-11-28 20:56:22


    我在网上看介绍都把Nightwish列为哥特式…… 不过到底什么算是哥特式呢?在宗教意义上来说哥特一词属于叛逆渎神野蛮的存在吧?在建筑意义上表示对神的向往。 太暗黑的风格我听不惯……下过好多张太暗黑风格的…… 结果还是删了……


    Majestic Fabregas

    同意,听歌就好嘛,我连乐队成员的名字都不记的…… 男人那撕裂般的声音我也很不习惯


    么有正版可听…… 我也是前几天才想起来换了主唱……都是2005年的事情了……


    谢过Andy了,记得你以前的头像就全是Nightwish的专辑封面。 过了收集CD的年龄了……现在我已经习惯了去驴子上拖……特别喜欢的就收APE版,[我知道我版权意识极弱……] 换了主唱后的这第一张专辑也很不错呐,可以尝试下。


    你最好介绍下所有的专辑我好去收齐~ 嗯,明白了,Tarja的确无可替代,但我觉得Nightwish的精神犹在吧,[你是铁杆,我是伪饭……]


    Once Century Child Bless the Child Oceanborn 我听过这几张,不过硬盘重装后就没了。T-T,突然很想再收起他们的专辑……

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