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[音乐] 那啥。。全是背景音乐 [复制链接]


这电影在大小颁奖典礼上被提名20多次,拿到奖的还要算 best screenplay..... 我觉得他的表情很有趣,带点神经质,又很无辜。。哈哈

原帖由 焰色夏树 于 2009-2-2 23:29:00 发表 这电影在大小颁奖典礼上被提名20多次,拿到奖的还要算 best screenplay..... 我觉得他的表情很有趣,带点神经质,又很无辜。。哈哈
Got sun in my face, sleeping rough on the road.
I'll tell you all about it, when I get home.


科林在pride and glory里也算是一只小反派吧~演的超赞~


-> 02/08/09 From Lie To Me S01 Glamorous Glue--- Morrissey First day with the jar  You find  Everyone lies  First day with the jar  You find  Everyone lies, nobody minds  Everyone lies  Where is the man you respect ?  And where is the woman you love ?  Where's the woman you love ?  Third week with the jar You find  Everything dies  We won't vote Conservative  Because we never have  Everyone lies, everyone lies  Where is the man you respect ?  And where is the woman you love ?  Where's the woman you love ?  Everything of worth  On Earth  Is there  To share  I used to dream, and I used to vow  I wouldn't dream of it now  We look to Los Angeles  For the language we use  London is dead, London is dead  London is dead, London is dead  London is dead, London is dead  Now I'm too much in love  I'm too much in love  I know  I'll go  Empty hand  Brand New Day---Ryan Star 算是该剧主题曲吧,重点推荐饿,大美。。。等专辑中。没有音频,借他在 rockwood 的 live来过过瘾先~附赠myspace website: http://profile.myspace.com/index ... ser.viewprofile&;friendid=9601811


小子,我有一年没看见你了吧! 一切可顺利?

原帖由 Guy 于 2009-1-26 20:21:00 发表
原帖由 Zlatan 于 2009-1-25 15:12:00 发表 杀手没有假期这部电影我也很想去看,天,要看的电影太多了
片很美啊,冷幽默、风景赏、好音乐,让我这个拖看流一秒钟都没有拖。。 [微剧透]结尾那镜头让人想起phone booth:-)
我看完In Bruge,但还没看Phonebooth……还是被剧透了…… =_____,= 昨天凌晨在看这部电影,看得一愣一愣的,那座城市太美了,Ray在Ken怀里哭得像个小孩一样的时候,我也跟着心痛,最后一幕炼狱实在虐得狠……这电影的意境真实非常特别,和我想象中的完全不同,音乐也很棒……


赫赫,可巧我前天又重新看一遍 Phone Booth, 还是很耐回味

-> 02/17/09 From Life S02 Crash Into The Sun --- By Jim White When too much beauty numbs the mind, when what you see ain't what you get, when digging deeper what you find, is skeletones best left behind... We go CRASH! into the sun. Ain't enough bullets in this here gun! We got cash! Now who's talking trash? Jumping up and down on the bus downtown. We are brash---we all fall down. We take out our brains  and shake 'em all around! It's a gas---a real kick in the pants! Everywhere we go we bring the house down shouting; "Hoo-hoo! Who do you know and do you BLOOOOW MINDS?" When what the monkey see the monkey do, some fool's checking out the chump in you. They got magic hoops for jumping through. You let some space case say false is true, and we go CRASH! into the sun. Ain't enough bullets in this here gun. We got cash! Now who's talking trash? Jumping up and down and the bus downtown. We are brash! We all fall down. We take out our brains and shake 'em all around! It's a gas! A real kick in the pants! Everywhere we go we bring the house down shouting: "Hoo-hoo! Who do you know and do you BLOOOOW MINDS?" The further you go, the deeper it gets. With so much to remember, it's fun to forget. Surrender your mind to life's sweet blindfold. Hey, don't think twice,  just do as you're told! Go on and CRASH! into the sun! AIn't enough bullets in this here gun! We got cash! Now who's talking trash? Jumping up and down and the bus downtown. We are brash! We all fall down. We take out our brains and shake 'em all around! It's a gas! A real kick in the pants! Everywhere we go we bring the house down shouting: "Hooo-hoo! Who do you know and do you BLOOOW MINDS?" From P.S. I Love You Lsat Train Home --- By Ryan Star  很不错的电影,这才是喜剧。。 You haven't changed. Stand in the light, I need to see you, uncover my eyes. The tears coming down, making lines on your face. One for each year, now that you've been away. We were only kids, we ran like water. Your dad said, stay away from my daughter. The sun was coming down when I said, can't you just believe? And if you wait for me, I'll be the light in the dark if you lose your way. And if you wait for me, I'll be your voice when you don't know what to say. I'll be your shelter, I'll be your fate. I'll be forever, wait for me. I'll be the last train, I'll be the last train home. You were a storm, it blew us away. I wouldn't leave you, but you couldn't stay. We were only kids, we ran like water. Your dad said, stay away from my daughter. The sun was coming down when I said, can't you just believe? And if you wait for me, I'll be the light in the dark if you lose your way. And if you wait for me, I'll be your voice when you don't know what to say. I'll be your shelter, I'll be your fate. I'll be forever, wait for me. I'll be the last train, I'll be the last train home. We were only kids, we ran like water. I told your dad, I love your daughter. The sun was coming down when I said, Hallie just believe. And if you wait for me, I'll be the light in the dark if you lose your way. And if you wait for me, I'll be your voice when you don't know what to say. I'll be your shelter, I'll be your fate. I'll be forever, wait for me. I'll be the last train, I'll be the last train, Hold on to love, and wait for me. I'll be the last train, I'll be the last train home. I'll be the last train, I'll be your last train home.
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