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topicicon   T.A.T.U——30 minutes discoco 2005-01-02 22:59 91531 www_reyes_com 2005-01-27 10:01
topicicon   我最喜欢的摇滚乐队Aerosmith~~ MoreThan 2005-01-05 15:23 71442 www_reyes_com 2005-01-27 09:55
topicicon   take me to your heart 小小罗那尔多 2004-12-26 10:29 182490 evergreen 2005-01-22 15:30
topicicon   搁浅 牛奶糖 2005-01-06 14:44 111907 依希斯 2005-01-21 03:50
topicicon   化学兄弟《Push the Button 》 37°2 2005-01-12 03:46 61589 TITI2005 2005-01-18 18:30
topicicon   坦白说,不下载这张专辑是你的损失哦! grantwewe 2004-12-23 12:59 192730 evergreen 2005-01-18 00:27
topicicon   [喜欢的歌]Dying in the sun 十四 2004-12-27 17:13 112334 loving_cesc 2005-01-17 23:43
topicicon   我的二分之一 14 2005-01-11 05:22 71707 37°2 2005-01-17 01:10
topicicon   觉得她的歌声怎么样?——Sarah McLachlan Mana 2004-12-19 18:40 202860 滴水藏海 2005-01-15 18:09
topicicon   唐磊的[丁香花] 十四 2005-01-06 16:43 112475 evergreen 2005-01-14 23:03
topicicon   DISCOCO推荐的一首歌! kouhin 2005-01-10 13:30 91384 半导体 2005-01-14 11:05
topicicon   听吧 37°2 2005-01-12 04:08 162199 37°2 2005-01-13 22:27
topicicon   [转帖]梦----钢琴 evergreen 2005-01-09 18:39 101651 loving_cesc 2005-01-12 22:57
topicicon   Where is the love? kouhin 2005-01-10 12:14 61408 loving_cesc 2005-01-12 22:49
topicicon   I was born to love you--QUEEN 牛奶糖 2005-01-06 14:53 61276 loving_cesc 2005-01-12 22:44
topicicon   Love is All Around ---- WetWetWet evergreen 2005-01-08 18:32 102132 loving_cesc 2005-01-12 22:03
topicicon   李克勤—《明明深爱着你》 discoco 2004-12-28 22:08 132589 我只喜欢阿森纳 2005-01-12 21:21
topicicon   20.30.40 37°2 2005-01-10 02:10 41593 37°2 2005-01-12 19:48
topicicon   Marc Anthony-When I Dream at Night evergreen 2004-12-22 23:50 91797 十四 2005-01-12 18:38
topicicon   這是我唯一愛你的方式 37°2 2005-01-12 02:59 31014 37°2 2005-01-12 18:32
topicicon   [转帖]可爱的小东西 木偶猪 2005-01-11 20:22 61749 威廉主义 2005-01-12 17:35
topicicon   诱惑--香水广告系列(男士) 牛奶糖 2005-01-06 14:41 131639 牛奶糖 2005-01-12 13:34
topicicon   What Dreams Are Made Of kouhin 2005-01-06 13:47 61193 evergreen 2005-01-09 18:35
topicicon   [New Age]Dazzled by the Light evergreen 2005-01-09 11:22 21018 37°2 2005-01-09 12:27
topicicon   情牢 37°2 2004-12-28 03:57 131776 37°2 2005-01-09 02:24
topicicon   显微镜下的雪花!好漂亮哦!!! 风铃~海边 2005-01-08 01:44 61829 风铃~海边 2005-01-08 22:27
topicicon   大男人 冷枪星Lupoli 2004-11-10 21:38 91720 37°2 2005-01-08 02:03
topicicon   闭上眼睛,静静听这曲叫“礼物”的音乐~~~~ 阿森纳主席 2005-01-07 18:06 112515 discoco 2005-01-08 01:54
topicicon   世界上最美的路~~~~~令你无限神往~ 风铃~海边 2005-01-06 14:27 41084 kouhin 2005-01-07 18:31
topicicon   逆行列车 37°2 2005-01-05 23:03 31085 37°2 2005-01-07 06:21
topicicon   [分享]羊毛衫合唱团一首旋律非常幽雅,声音很甜的歌曲! grantwewe 2005-01-02 16:30 92351 牛奶糖 2005-01-06 22:28
topicicon   分开旅行 爱上马甲的马甲 2005-01-03 09:31 111838 evergreen 2005-01-06 20:34
topicicon   Jewel Song kouhin 2005-01-04 17:15 112478 不是球迷 2005-01-06 03:49
topicicon   女人的弱点 爱上马甲的马甲 2005-01-02 02:58 61459 爱上马甲的马甲 2005-01-05 20:44
topicicon   最近很喜欢的一首日文歌——Four seasons discoco 2005-01-05 14:37 61783 fanqiegg 2005-01-05 19:35
topicicon   Love will show you Everything discoco 2004-12-31 14:51 91480 不是球迷 2005-01-05 03:13
topicicon   《亚瑟王》电影原声 evergreen 2005-01-04 21:06 41355 21 2005-01-04 21:59
topicicon   《存在》 kouhin 2005-01-04 10:23 81345 kouhin 2005-01-04 21:52
topicicon   经典中的经典——来自Eagles的Hotel California Mana 2005-01-03 19:08 21218 kouhin 2005-01-04 19:14
topicicon   [第500贴]贴我最喜欢的电影~ 十四 2004-12-29 18:56 435722 donaven 2005-01-04 14:49